Donald Trump, speaking at the Justice Department, called for jailing officials behind the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal and defended allies while attacking critics.
He praised Judge Aileen Cannon, who dismissed his classified documents case, and condemned those who criticized her.
Trump called former special counsel Jack Smith “deranged” and referred to Jan. 6 defendants as “hostages.”
His remarks, delivered before Attorney General Pam Bondi and FBI Director Kash Patel, underscore his escalated rhetoric on retribution now that he holds presidential power again.
If you want to understand why Schumer and Dem leadership caved to Trump’s budget yesterday, read this article.
Trump is promising political prosecutions of his most prominent political opponents.
Schumer believes him.
Schumer doesn’t have the guts to take that heat.
Schumer - and the Democrat old guard in general - made their bones in an America where political opposition to the ruling party came with little or no personal or financial risk. Schumer and his ilk built careers and comfortable fortunes, enjoyed the financial benefits of corporate lobbying, dabbled in what was technically insider trading and tax evasion and campaign finance violations, secure in the knowledge the FBI would pursue only the most egregious cases of fraud and they could enjoy the benefits of power as long as they didn’t get too greedy.
And now Schumer is looking at an America where political opposition comes with very real personal consequences. Where opposing the ruling party means law enforcement will go through your record with a fine toothed comb looking for skeletons to drag out of your closet.
Civil rights warriors of the 60s signed up for that. The men and women who risked beatings and jail time to march against segregation aren’t going to back down from threats of prosecution now.
Leftists and anarchists signed up for that. The people who risked arrest to protest George Floyd’s murder, who marched in protests where windows were smashed and cars firebombed knowing Patriot Act provisions could see every one of them charged as terrorists for the actions of a few - people who know the FBI is monitoring them already and looking for an excuse - aren’t going to stop just because Trump confirmed rhe FBI is out to get them.
Fat happy pampered Senators who’ve never seen the inside of a jail cell in their life?
Fat happy pampered Senators who’ve been getting rich off dubiously legal campaign donations and insider trading for decades?
Yeah, they’re going to back down and submit to Trump rather than risk making themselves a target of Trump’s FBI.
And yesterday they did.
An America where the opposition party leadership is the target of political prosecutions needs leadership willing to risk those prosecutions. Willing to lead the opposition from jail if that’s what it takes to stand up for what they believe in.
Fighting authoritarianism means risking your life and freedom for what you believe in.
Current Dem leadership don’t have the guts.
Damn… that hadnt crossed my mind. I get Schumer, fuck him still, but i kinda get it.
I’d also add the fact that his donors might have not liked the idea of a government shutdown causing further turbulence to the stock market.
It was his dumbass and his sec def who organized the withdrawal.
Yep, another day in a perfectly fine democracy
I’m calling for killing the king, should we ever get one in the United States. I’m not saying that the president is a king, I’m just saying that if someone were to become a king, instead of a president, they should be executed.
“Shoot that fucker if he walks near the throne.”
Brother Ali
I mean, I publicly say I wish Trumps shooter hadn’t missed so badly, and that Trump had caught the bullet with his empty fucking skull. I just wish when his skull gets blown apart, it’s on live TV, so I can enjoy having it as my screensaver in uncensored HD.
Assuming it wasn’t staged.
Very little in life is staged. I’ve worked in a theatre, with professional actors, and it still takes weeks of work to pull off a play.
This also includes some improv work.
So the very first thing you have to acknowledge is that Trump would never do the work needed to pull off anything staged. He can read (sort of) a speech written by someone else, but the smarmy bastard cannot act to save his life.
The next thing here, Crooks was using live rounds. And killed a guy behind Trump. Trump would never allow his own life to be put at risk.
And third, Crooks was a notoriously bad shot. He was kicked out of his highschool gun club over it and some safety violations.
The kid was a mass shooter in waiting who just so happened to come across an opportunity to shoot a former president. And he blew it, just one more failure to add to the pile that was his life.
I have my doubts as well. I had the displeasure of being near him, in person, shortly after it happened and his ear looked fucking fine.
Small cuts can be sealed with medical grade super glue. Also, the thought is that Trump was hit by glass or other debris. Not the bullet itself.
How about his party gets voted out in the mid terms and a new President in 2028? And Donald retires peacefully and alive somewhere in Russia?
You wanna deal with this scumbag for another 3.5 years, I don’t. I’d rather drag his fat ass out on the street and hang him for treason.
We were millimeters away from freedom.
As bad as I wanted to see that happen, this problem doesn’t go away when one man dies. It’s clear that we need to see where this path leads before we learn our lesson. I wish that weren’t true, but it is.
Cults of personality fall apart when the leader dies though.
However, I agree that you can’t just assassinate your way out of a deep, societal sickness. You have to address the underlying symptoms or it will just flare up again.
The Germans did a remarkable job at addressing their issues and changing their society for the better.
Unlike the US did after the civil war. Or after Trump’s first reign and insurrection.
Hopefully they’ll learn the lesson there.
Honestly, my country learned its lesson only through a new generation having grown up in the results of the war. Before 68 talking about Nazis still being judges, prosecutors, heads of police etc. wasn’t really tolerated in polite society. Policy was always “Don’t speak about it, don’t acknowledge it, just move along and everything’s fine.”
Only the gigantic student protests in the late 60s early 70s changed that and created the culture of honest confrontation and dealing with the past. And it is highly under threat now that the post-war generation, the babyboomers are leaving the demographics, because people are forgetting how hard that culture had to be fought for. They had to fight conservatives tooth and nail for it and now it’s slowly drifting out of focus.
What? And make him a martyr?
I want him to cark it at a campaign rally. Pop a blood vessel in his skull, while pushing a little too hard on a constipated shit, only to lose the last shred of a fragment of sanity. To see him collapse onto the ground growling and chewing on the podium.
To quote G’kar… it’s a dream I have.
If your guillotine blade isn’t sharp, at least make sure it’s heavy.
everything is a blade if it falls fast enough
ASAP. And ideally before they actually become king. Like, if there’s gonna be a crowning or whatever ceremony, they shouldn’t get to make it. They’ll have a prior engagement with a hooded figure.
Trump and Musk should be handled before they reach king status.
They should have never made it this far. obviously a fully corrupt and for sale president is ideal for a lot of powerful people.
It’s been less than 100 years…
Donald Trump, speaking at the Justice Department, called for jailing officials behind the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal and defended allies while attacking critics
I mean Trump was practically responsible for the US leaving Afghanistan.
I mean Trump was practically responsible for the US leaving Afghanistan.
*cough Night of the Long Knives cough
I mean we literally just had Musk pushing the narrative that Hitler wasn’t at fault for killing so many because it was really the fault of the bureaucrats who followed his orders.
Leopard, meet faces.
Not practically actually, he set the timeline too soon and everyone said hey great idea stupid timeline. The time runs out and Biden keeps to Trump’s set deadline and it’s a shit show exactly like everyone expected. And yet somehow a large percentage of people blame it on Biden and almost certainly would have blamed him if they extended to pullout agreement.
He did actually extend from May to September, but still it was too fast trying to honor the spirit of speedy withdrawal Trump had negotiated.
The military was dragging its feet and Biden had enough of it.
Didn’t Obama want to get out of Afghanistan but the military couldn’t be rushed?
Correct. Pullouts rapidly always lead to power vacuums you can’t just dip out and expect things to workout. I dunno if you’ve been around a daycare when the teacher leaves but the reactions are similar.
All these stupid bitches wearing white.
The number of pages from Putins book are disturbing. What countries will take skilled American refugees?
Fuck that, be a patriot and get strapped.
Yeah. When Elmo’s Staff Strudel come knocking down my door, they will be met with violence.
If they can make it to my door I’ll go with them.
You can pretty much go anywhere in Latin America and a lot of Asia is aware they need immigration to succeed, as for Europe Spain is he most friendly to immigrants, they will work with many people who wish to immigrate rather than combat them. Stay far far away from Australia, or NZ, they are generally hostile to immigrants, and if you’re really unlucky they might strand you on an island and never let you back off. I’ve really not looked seriously at Africa, it’s an interesting prospect, but anyway, it’s hard to immigrate, but it’s possible and a lot of people enjoy the changes.
a lot of Asia is aware they need immigration to succeed,
While this is true, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re open to it or that the immigration process is any easier for it.
as for Europe Spain is he most friendly to immigrants
I’ve heard that attitude is changing due to gentrification issues. Lots of remote workers have taken to the country and cost of living has apparently risen up in response.
I’m not entirely sure about either of these personally though(insight from people who live there would be wonderful), but I have heard about about the issues.
Only concerning thing is climate change. if America keeps going its path I’m not sure warmer countries are where I want to be.
This isn’t an escalation, he said this and worse while running.
Dare someone to do something about it.
As an actual opponent, come and get me yourself you cowardly fat orange fuck.
deleted by creator
well, i don’t know about that
Grandfather that was just read this article.
These people don’t care. It’s infuriating.Nazis. Either you are Nancy, or you decree the Nazis. Anything less than denouncing Nazis means that you are a Nazi that was the standard in the 1940s, and it carries to today.
Unless you denounce Nazis, you’re automatically a Nazi.
Correct. Nazi apologists are Nazis.
If 10 people are at dinner when a Nazi joins them, and none leave or tries to kick them out, you have 11 Nazis.
Does Schumer know that Trump means him? He can’t be that dence, can he? We know he’s spineless, but does he grasp the situation in full.
He has a lot more on common with Trump than I ever will.