Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • I’m a millennial, I’ve been on the verge of homelessness myself my entire adulthood. In my adult life a full time job at minimum wage has never been enough to rent a studio apartment nearly anywhere in the country. Not once in my life have I have enough to really live on my own, have a choice about where I live, or didn’t have raising rents pushing me to move elsewhere. I doubt I’m the only one who has had such deep lack of stability that the idea of hosting refugees (or anyone else for that matter) has been purely a fucking pipe dream.

    That being said, I have dreamed of being able to take care of those I know who are struggling, but I have been denied every opportunity due to struggling myself.

  • Let’s not split hairs. Barr used to have to get him distracted by offering him death row inmates to kill.

    The cruelty isn’t just the point, Trump as an individual is a fucking monster who gets off on hurting people.

    It it any shock that a rapist gets off on controlling and hurting others? It doesn’t shock me in the slightest, which is why he was always a clear and present danger.

    I remember about a month before the election in 2016 saying to a friend “God damn it, I think we are gonna get Brexited and people won’t see this coming, but he’s going to win.”

  • I mean I don’t know a lot of people actively wanted to kill others because they decided it was a fucking hoax and some of them literally went to their deathbeds while risking doctors’ and nurses’ lives via exposure to them.

    Something emboldened the stupid to be monstrously pig-headed and arrogant about being stupid, and guess what, the people with an education are absolutely sick of their loser ass bullshit.

    You don’t negotiate or play nice with idiots whose stupidity can and will fucking kill you and your loved ones and even the ones doling out medical care to the idiots. Nah, this is the world they asked for. Done pandering to pansies who can’t face fucking reality because it makes them feel stupid. Guess what, you are stupid. Get used to it, nimrod, or get a fucking education.

  • Its not perfect as you’d expect but it turns a minute typing out a well thought question into hours worth of head start into getting into the research surrounding your question (and does it all without sending any data to OpenAI et al). That getting you over the initial hump of not knowing exactly where to start is where I see a lot of the value of LLMs.

    I’ll concede that this seems useful in saving time to find your starting point.


    1. Is speed as a goal itself a worthwhile thing, or something that capitalist processes push us endlessly toward? Why do we need to be faster?

    2. In prioritizing speed over a slow, tedious personal research, aren’t we allowing ourselves to be put in a position where we might overlook truly relevant research simply because it doesn’t “fit” the “well thought out question?” I’ve often found research that isn’t entirely in the wheelhouse of what I’m looking at, but is actually deeply relevant to it. By using the method you proposed, there’s a good chance that I never surface that research because I had a glorified keyword search find “relevancy” instead of me fumbling around in the dark and finding a “Eureka!” moment of clarity with something initially seemingly unrelated.

  • It’s more that we genuinely don’t see the net benefit of LLMs in general. Most of us are not programmers who need something to help “efficiency” up our speed of making code. I am perfectly capable of doing research, cataloging sources, and producing my own writing.

    I can see marginal benefit for those who struggle with writing, but the problem therein is that they still need to run whatever their LLM spits out past another human to make sure it’s actually accurate or well written. In the end, with all of it you still need human editors and at that point, why have the LLM at all?

    I’d love to hear what problem you think LLMs actually solve.