That’s all true but it doesn’t change anything meaningful. All that matters is the end result of the election. People from other countries have every right to ask Americans wtf we were thinking.
That’s all true but it doesn’t change anything meaningful. All that matters is the end result of the election. People from other countries have every right to ask Americans wtf we were thinking.
Sorry babe, you’re gonna have put the blindfold on, the warts on my hog are back
Oh for sure, but if it gets to the point where I need to fire my gun at somebody it’s definitely not going to be aimed at some low level corporate thug. That is, unless they’re standing between me and their boss.
That’s not going to help anything. It’s not a red state vs blue state divide, it’s cities vs rural areas. That’s not a problem you can solve with new borders.
Welcome to Lemmy. Outside of niche subjects and local content I think this place has everything reddit does but with less bullshit. If people keep making the switch in large numbers we’ll build all those communities too and be better off for it.
Last time we got full scale shooting wars between workers and companies. If I’m putting on my optimist hat then I’d say at least we’ll get to shoot some rich folk.
We’re still paying income taxes.
Seems like an easy, non-confrontational response.
Haha yeah I hear it too. I still say that a lot when someone mentions the sun
Until my fellow citizens have their basic needs met I will assume anyone not actively working towards that goal is my enemy. Rich people in China are gaming the system to consolidate wealth just like our billionaires are. That doesn’t make them worse or better than us but in the context of my immediate concerns it makes them less relevant.
What possible dirt could Russia have on Trump that is worse than the public info we already have about his business dealings, associates, and strategies? He’s clearly the biggest piece of shit and his voters don’t care. I think he knows that. What would he be scared of coming out?
They had an effective ad campaign that hit their opponents right where it hurt - their fragile ego - and they just…gave up.
That’s a great overall summary of the DNC right there.
It’s a KIA EV9. Was the only one with a functional 3rd row that isn’t $80k+. I enjoy it so far.
It’s the initial redneck response in my experience. They assume it’s slow, complicated, and unreliable. They usually want to sneak in a “you know you still power that thing with coal” comment as well. Even if they don’t say it you can see it in their eyes. I will usually mention my solar panels and offer to race them in their truck 😎
It’s the weak wrists 😔
Seems like a pretty big flaw in the system that a demented rapist being in charge doesn’t always impact shareholder value. Idk, maybe I’m just a beta cuck or something.
I bought an EV in November and everyone in my red state loves to ask me questions about it. Some start in a condescending place but most are genuinely interested in them.
“Shut up about the eggs”
- Donald Trump
Bernie is a great guy but that’s an example proving the point I’m making. He’s saying the same things he’s said for decades. He’s not wrong about most things but his stance isn’t really evolving either. He’s pretty revolutionary for someone in his age bracket but if you look at his peers he’s pretty much the only one that you could say has a relatively modern view of politics, and even that is mostly because the US is so far behind the rest of the western world that his moderate positions seem more extreme by comparison. All the other old politicians saying the same things they’ve said for decades sound like living fossils, and that’s not going to get better if they start living longer, it’s going to get worse.
“It’s just a bug, trust me bro”
Yeah OK huge corporation. The followup question is why this mechanism exists at all if it was never intended to be used in this fashion.