The entire family has bad taste in names, Errol Musk… Also a jackass, but less of a large scale grifter.
The entire family has bad taste in names, Errol Musk… Also a jackass, but less of a large scale grifter.
That hinges entirely on whomever holds the loan.
If it was one person, then no way. But it’s not just 1 person, it’s more than 100.
There are investment groups in that list, and ties to the Saudis and Russians.
The investment groups might be legally required to margin call if the stock price falls too far, but none of them will hold the full loan.
There are steps that need to be taken to get third parties.
First and foremost is the adoption of a voting system that can not only support third parties, but help them grow.
TLDR; Fight for Approval if you just want third parties to exist and occasionally win, Fight for STAR if you want third parties to grow and become powerful.
Now for the long part, talking about the problems with first past the post voting, and how that shapes the political discourse. Or you can watch this video.
Also, before anyone breaks in with Ranked Choice or IRV as it’s called, you might want to read up on the flaws section here.
And I’d write more, but the dog wants a walk, and that’s more important right now.
There is a heavy element of malice here, but lest we forget there’s also more incompetence than any other administration in history, even the first Trump admin.
Naples. Modern pizza comes from Naples.
That dish was then taken to New York where shredded cheese was used in place of the slices used in Neapolitan pizza.
Pasta on the other hand, does descend from a Chinese dish. Sort of. The Proto-italians actually invented some types of pasta dish themselves, notably the precursor to lasagna and ravioli.
It’s doubtful that they killed him, he was just a kid when they took him. They have him squirrelled away somewhere, having gone through heavy indoctrination. Just waiting for the Dali Lama to die.