For profit news is trash. We need more non-profits like Pro-Publica.
For profit news is trash. We need more non-profits like Pro-Publica.
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America couldn’t forgive Biden for unavoidable global inflation. They better be raging when this totally avoidable and reckless inflation begins.
I hope this happens to everything in that piece of shit’s life. Losing everything is well deserved for this narcissistic monster.
Could he be more of a bitch to Putin? For all his egomaniacal fragile masculinity, he sure excels at being a submissive to Musk and Putin.
The oligarchs are getting nervous. Good. I hope they are a scared. Fuck their platforms and their false backing of “free speech.”
And MAGA thought T-rump was gonna “fix” the fucking economy. 🤦🏻 Biden brought down inflation faster than any other country after the pandemic and that wasn’t good enough for them. So they elected the world‘s stupidest businessman. I guess you can’t expect much from the people who thought “let’s go Brandon” was super clever.
It’s what they want. They want a two-tiered education system. They want poor people to be poorly educated and well off people to be well educated so that power remains with “the right” people. That and all education and basically any service to be privatized.
Because the right HATES teachers unions and any public worker. Teachers are an easy mark because parents are panicky and reactionary about their kids. Makes it easy to rile them up and manipulate them to their ends. The strong teachers union is something the right despises.
Private equity - often funded by our own 401Ks, destroying every business they touch with almost no oversight. Strip mining American wealth before the rich abandon this country for various tax havens to set up their network states. Total trash.
But hey, we sure showed Biden with that protest vote. Way to go team. Instead of using continued pressure to bend the party that at least listens somewhat, we now gave Gaza the dictator who gives 0 fucks. High five. /s
Update: Complain all you want about this take. I’ve been a lefty union member all my life and I got so much shit for saying Biden would not be as bad as Trump for Gaza. I got called Blue MAGA, tankie, and other trash from my own side because I saw it for what it was. Netanyahu wanted Trump to win for a reason. Now y’all want to justify your handing the country to Trump to make a point or give me shit for calling it out. Fuck you right back. I voted Bernie in the past, Biden was never my first choice, but pretending voting for a no chance in hell fake like Jill Stein was a possible alternative is bull shit. We live in a winner take all representative Republic. Until the system is changed, every election is the lesser evil vote. In the mean time, you don’t hand the country to the oligarchy’s mascot and his fascist mob. The people of Gaza will be paying even worse, but now add Ukraine, LGBTQ+, Federal workers, unions, people of color, immigrants, and everyone making under $150,000 a year to those who will suffer worse. We needed to come together to stop Project 2025, but we had to let the perfect be the enemy of the good like always.
Putin hates the EU, therefore Krasnov does.