The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.
The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.
Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.
Because he is a petty little bitch.
When is the press confetence where he has elderly people beaten with sticks?
I kind of understand immigrants.
But refugees? That’s just a NASTY move.
Immigrants implies they’ve gone through the legal process to emigrate to the United States. The word you’re looking for is illegal aliens and I think the vast majority of the country is forgetting there is a simple solution. Penalize all of the companies that are exploiting illegal alien labor to widen their profit margin. Why do we always blame the drug users instead of the drug dealers in this country and I’m using the terms as a metaphor in this case the dealers are the businesses they’re the problem not the folks trying to make a better life for themselves.
Why do we always blame the drug users instead of the drug dealers in this country and I’m using the terms as a metaphor in this case the dealers are the businesses they’re the problem not the folks trying to make a better life for themselves.
Because Job Creation is the ultimate altruism while Poverty is the ultimate sin in America.
The same people who hire illegal immigrants are the same people who vote for things like ICE and crackdowns and fund those candidates. They can pay their workers shit, get away with deplorable working conditions (are you calling OSHA if you are here illegally?) and then call up la migra the second that they hear talk about unions.
Indeed, and the biggest part of the scam, they can blame the birds for eating poisoned crumbs out of their hand instead of being called out for poisoning the crumbs… If you get the metaphor
What’s his fucking issue with Ukrainians? Is it all about the time when Zelenski didn’t help him produce dirt on Hunter Biden? There is around a million of Ukrainians in Poland right now and crime related incidents involving them are rare. They are a net benefit to society. A million more tax payers. Unfortunately due to incompatibility of their education system and slight language barrier they do jobs below their education level but their contribution is undisputable. Quick influx of them hastened problems with housing affordability in largest cities but it’s not their fault that the government has no strategy to combat high housing prices, without them the situation would still arise but a couple years later. I’ll take 240k more Ukrainian immigrants than 240k American tourists anytime.
Is it all about the time when Zelenski didn’t help him produce dirt on Hunter Biden?
Not sure how Republicans are able to rationalize how expelling these specific individuals makes America any better or fixes literally any of it’s problems.
This is just petty retaliation.
I wonder where they will go. Their homes in Ukraine are probably destroyed.
Getting a lot of “if you don’t like it here leave” sorta vibes.
This traitor is destroying all our allegiances. In a single month.
It’s time for America to accept that we have placed a literal traitor in the highest office.
And it’s time for us to man the fuck up and start adhering to our fucking Constitution. We’re letting a felon rapist traitor fuck our future.
Who’s going to do it? All I see is a bunch of internet talk. There’s no leadership. Just a bunch of ppl scared and posting online or emailing/calling senators. We especially need straight white men standing up. The dem paddle holding was just pathetic.
Do we have any voices as powerful as those in WWII? I have yet to hear someone with a truly powerful place in media speak a heartfelt plea to the Americans because the media has been bought. Even if there was someone who could reach out and speak a message that people could hear, they would never let it air in a place where it mattered.
I wonder what the Ukrainian people want.
Especially the ones misplaced to the US by a war Russia started, and now have to return to a war zone because the USA is now politically aligned with Russia, and willing to break international treaties, law, and ethics if it gets them Putins favor.
You’re an absolute idiot it you can’t comprehend the international seppuku the USA has just committed by failing to help displaced war refugees, and instead now helps their aggressors.
Anyone with a shred of humanity would see this as the evil bullshit it is.
Instead, you’re pointing out that a country at war needs to conscript troops. No shit. Check out how Russia is doing it, if you want a real comparison to call inhumane.
Especially the ones misplaced to the US by a war Russia started, and now have to return to a war zone because the USA is now politically aligned with Russia, and willing to break international treaties, law, and ethics if it gets them Putins favor.
You’re an absolute idiot it you can’t comprehend the international seppuku the USA has just committed by failing to help displaced war refugees, and instead now helps their aggressors.
Ukraine government is drafting people by force and not allowing any male between 18-60 from leaving the country. Many people have died trying to flee the country.
“Anyone with a shred of humanity would see this as the evil bullshit it is.”
My dude. So you understand what a war is and how it works?
Do you understand how Russia has done the same?
Do you understand how 500,000 Russians are now dead because of that?
Do you understand that those 500,000 dead Russians are invading a country they promised peace with in 1995?
Do you ultimately understand the point you are making is about how the citizens of the Ukraine are being forced by Russia to either fight for their country or die?
Because that is the policy you are defending despite it clearly being the reason there’s 500,000 dead Russians and not the other way around.
If you want to decry military enlistment as “evil” then you are by far picking the worst example. Russia is far worse in their policies, with a far higher body count, and they are the reason anyone is dying at all.
Which means you are either making your arguments out of bad faith or pure stupidity.
If your argument was made in WW2 it would be about how evil the US is for defending Pearl Harbor.
My dude. So you understand what a war is and how it works?
Do you? Have you seen the footage of this war and see what’s going on?
Do you understand how Russia has done the same?
Do you understand that drafting people by force like russia is doing is bad?
Do you understand how 500,000 Russians are now dead because of that?
Do you understand that bragging about 500.000 dead people is not a good thing?
Do you understand that those 500,000 dead Russians are invading a country they promised peace with in 1995?
Do you understand that a good amount of these 500.000 got drafted by force and ordered by the government to invade another country?
Do you ultimately understand the point you are making is about how the citizens of the Ukraine are being forced by Russia to either fight for their country or die?
That’s not the point i’m making. Ukraine government isn’t allowing any males between 18-60 from leaving the country, they are forcing them to fight or to stay there and possibly die.
Which means you are either making your arguments out of bad faith or pure stupidity.
Do you understand that by defending forced conscription and authoritarian laws you are playing russian government game too?
If your argument was made in WW2 it would be about how evil the US is for defending Pearl Harbor.
Let me explain this simply so you understand the point I am making:
What would you have Ukraine do? Slow down their conscription? Stop it entirely?
Alright, heres the game theory results on how changing their conscription rates will effect this war and it’s consequences:
Outcome 1: No changes to conscription, Ukraine wins the war. Russia leaves their territory.
Result: hundreds of thousands of dead, you get to complain about how many died from conscription. Most importantly, this war doesn’t reach Europe.
Because once it does, all those images of war you’ve seen will get much much worse, and the body count much much higher.
This is the likely outcome of all our other options.
Outcome 2: Ukraine changes their conscription laws. Less are forced to enroll to defend their country. Their population is MAGNITUDES smaller than Russias, so without the broader conscription laws, they no longer have a fighting force large enough to withstand the endless wall of North Korean and Russian meat being thrown at them.
Result 2: Russia steam rolls Ukraine. Gets a foot hold on Europe. Declares war on NATO. Starts WW3 and likely the end of peace and modern civilization as we know it. Death toll in the millions, and lots of worse war pictures for you to clutch your pearls about.
But hey, Ukraine no longer exists, so you don’t have to be critical of their rough conscription laws anymore!
Outcome 3: Ukraine loses the war anyway. The above happens anyway.
Result 3: Again. No reason to be critical of their conscription laws, because they don’t exist as a country now.
Sure, it would have been nice if they had a fighting force large enough to stop Russia’s push into NATO and Europe. Especially considering the force that has historically stood up to this bullshit on the world stage, the US, has now broke bad and aligns with Russia.
Ukraine is not just defending themselves. They are defending the entirety of Europe and NATO, which is why there’s so many emergency meetings being held to by both to help them.
Point being. Ukraine conscription is a necessary evil to prevent the worst outcome of Russias actions. If you want to be critical about death and war, then maybe understand how worse WW3 would make all of this, and how Ukrainian conscription is literally the biggest thing holding it back.
Because that’s how NATO and the Ukraine see it. And that’s how you should see it too. Thinking otherwise, that this isn’t a very likely threat, is to ignore all the images of war you want me to look at.
Ukraine conscription is to prevent those images from being all across Europe.
If you are concerned with this war reaching europe and are so favorable of forced conscription pack your bags and go to the front. You are talking about ukrainians as if they were chess pawns.
I’m talking about them like the heroes holding back WW3 that they are. What’s your excuse?
I’m already doing my part to try and unfuck the US from aligning with Putin to pick the corpse of Europe clean when they’re done with it.
If I fight in this war, it will be to take my country back from the Russian bullshit that’s taken it over.
Russia is doing the same across all western countries and elections. They are in an active war with Ukraine at Europe’s footsteps, and NATO is on the verge of collapse because of the US’s withdrawal after aligning with Putin.
You are naive to believe Russia will stop there after weakening everything protecting Europe.
You are no different than everyone who thought Hitler would just magically stop after Poland
Tell me Trump is a Russian asset without saying he’s a Russian asset.
How does this specifically benefit russia? Ukraine government is drafting people by force and not allowing any male between 18-60 from leaving the country.
0.7M more people who the government needs to handle logistics and civil infrastructure for. It’s about trying to exhaust the war resources in ways that don’t directly influence the war in Ukraine’s favor.
Sometimes I feel like I was the only one who remembered that this is what it was like the last time he was in office. Just every day some fresh hell, like a treadmill of anger and grief until the only real reason to protest is so that they don’t drive you permanently numb.
The scope of this new order is hard to contemplate. 0.77 million people who are being shown the door today. Our colossus is in need of a new credo.
“Give me your billionaires, your oligarchs, Your hunched war criminals yearning for the Lolita Express, The wretched refuse of your banking sectors. Send these, the landlords, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden arches!"
Edit to add: I know that it is currently only a plan. I do not need to bicker with anyone about this.
Sometimes I feel like I was the only one who remembered that this is what it was like the last time he was in office
I feel like it’s worse this time. Darker. We didn’t have the Ukraine or Israeli war. We didn’t have perverse AI videos like the Gaza video with a giant golden Trump statue.
2016 was the rise of Trump. Right now we are in the age of Trump. Trump is steadily increasing his power and I believe fairly soon he will be able to more or less unilaterally control the federal government as he continues his purges.
Yeah his first term was mind-melting, nonstop nonsense. Same again now but even worse. I can’t believe people are so easily capable of forgetting.
Imagine there are still people who chose to go to USA voluntarily?
Will Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart?
Will Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart?
It appears so.
Our checks and balances within our federal government have failed. Categorically. Our government is not equipped to deal with internal threats like this. We have too many weaknesses within our system and too many individuals unwilling to live up to their oaths.
That leaves it up to the general public. Right now, not gonna happen. Not sure what’s going to happen over the next few years. Things are going to get progressively worse. People will get more desperate. Violent crime will increase. These factors may push Americans to protest, probably violently, at levels never before seen in this country. That could bring about a positive change. But I’m not really betting on that happening. People are complacent. People are wage slaves. We’re going to have to lose our internet and TV and cell phone service before Americans get bloodthirsty on a large scale. Or if they seriously fuck with social security. That’ll cause riots.
But if they’re even remotely smart fascists they’d know to do this all slowly to prevent Americans from noticing or at least to prevent them from getting super mad super quick. Like, fuck with Social Security a little bit, so people get mad, but not that mad. Then do it some more a year later.
They’re not particularly smart though. So we’re basically going to see over the next few years if Americans can live up to our rebellious stereotype or if we’ve become meek and frail through lack of true hardship.
Imagine there are still people who chose to go to USA voluntarily?
I’d rather live in neo-fascist USA than in a war zone where I’m liable to be sent to the frontlines and die bleeding out in a trench after a drone blows my leg off.
I’d rather live in neo-fascist USA than live in poverty in many parts of Latin America where I would make 10x higher salary for unskilled labor. I would also have a 10x lower chance of getting my throat slit walking down the street at night.
Neo-fascist USA has literally threatened war with Canada and other neighboring countries, so if you think you won’t be on the front lines in a nonsense war started by fascists, then history has a very important lesson to teach you.
Chances are you and other Americans will be fighting in Ukraine alongside Russia by next year at the rate this clown show is excellerating.
There’s no American freedom in Neo-fascist USA, just whatever the broligarchy wants. The rights and freedom you, and every previous generation of Americans fought for are pretty much all gone now, so you are sorely mistaken if you assume you now have any.
i was born in a country with a military dictatorship who used to disappear people. just because the country is going to hell doesn’t mean you can’t carve out a meaningful life for yourself in the chaos. and living in a dystopian version of the US is probably still better than living in a dystopian version of a 3rd world country
then history has a very important lesson to teach you.
at no point in US history has the US been at war with a neighboring country over a trade war escalation and instituted a draft as a result of that war
any future war is going to be versus China and we’ve probably got at least a few years before that comes to fruition.
we’re in the years leading up to WW3. think of it like the early 1930s. if you look at history, everywhere sucked. i’d rather be in a 1st world country when the bombs go off rather than a 3rd world country where i’m liable to starve due to mass famines
::Looks at Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart::
Speak for yourself. What have you done to combat injustice in your home today?
Believe it or not yes some of us are trying to do something. You’ll have to forgive us for not having the same resources as the executive branch of the US.
Speak for yourself.
This is not about any individuals, it’s about America as a whole!!!
Believe it or not yes some of us are trying to do something.
Speak for yourself.
I’m still waiting to hear what they’ve done to combat injustice in their home today. Or even yesterday for that matter.
EDIT - They responded, they’re a G.
This is not about normal politics, or business as usual, it’s about Trump destroying USA. In my country there is nothing remotely close to Trump or Republicans to demonstrate against, because we have a democracy that actually works.
Where is this magical land you live?
It’s in Europe, but I guess you meant which country it is, which is Denmark.
And there is nothing magical about it, there are several similar countries that have functioning democracies.
To have a functioning democracy is not magical. But yes we do demonstrate if there are issues that require it. And we do have grass root movements. That can organize demonstrations quickly when needed.