I just don’t talk to my maga relatives about anything of substance, or about anything at all if I can help it. Less frustrating for everyone involved.
I just don’t talk to my maga relatives about anything of substance, or about anything at all if I can help it. Less frustrating for everyone involved.
Daily Reminder:
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who remembers him. This post made me so happy!
Could get a lot of mileage in the coming years, too.
Don’t forget the 14 words! Someone screenshotted this at just the right time:
Hey US, how’s it going?
Pretty much this:
Jensy Machado, a naturalized US citizen from Virginia, believes US immigration agency profiles Hispanic people
According to Machado, the agents told him the name of a man who had a deportation order and had given Machado’s home address. He responded by telling the agents that man’s name wasn’t his – and offered to show them his Virginia driver’s license.
But he says that the agents did not ask to see his ID. Instead, they ordered him to leave his car, and they placed handcuffs on him. An agent then asked Machado how he got into the country.
“And I told him I was an American citizen,” Machado said. “He looked at his other partner like, you know, smiling, like saying, ‘Can you believe this guy?’”
I had to click through to reddit though. (And FWIW it did not link to old.reddit)
Not giving you a hard time though, just grumpy about reddit because reddit. :D
In any case it looks like you edited it and it loads fine now… 🙂
Just one man’s opinion, but I’d rather have the picture and discussion here than a link to reddit.
It takes you to the artist’s page. In the menu where you can choose his artwork, this is the one called “Stand Up”
I’m hardly breaking new ground in my assertion here, even if you personally don’t agree.
If you somehow don’t realize how progressive and working class interests were kicked to the curb in favor of courting those (still) elusive republican votes there are many, many opinion pieces out that that can detail it more eloquently than I.
Here’s but one paragraph from but one such article:
The Democrats’ sharp turn to the right can be mapped through their party platforms and political programs. In 2020, they offered a “new social and economic contract” of “shared prosperity” and racial justice. By 2024, Harris and running mate Tim Walz failed to directly or meaningfully mention the impacts of racism, police brutality, inequality or diversity in their 82-page policy platform.
And look at all the good it did them:
The old guard (both literal and figurative) need to get the fuck out of the way for the AOC’s and Crockett’s who will actually speak to power instead of cowering in the corners.
They sure as eff do!
What they did was court Republican voters instead of Democrat voters, and neither Republicans nor Democrats were amused.
I think we can do without this sort of reddit-like passive aggressive backbiting here.
You are welcome but it’s not my OC. Please steal and use it! (even if it was)
Does EVERY axis in life have to be fucked up at the same time?
Can we have one thing that is just doing ok?
Government - fucked.
Education - fucked.
Healthcare - fucked.
Environment - fucked.
Housing - fucked.
Societal and Social Cohesion - fucked.
Wealth Inequality - fucked.
Personal Technological Autonomy - fucked, and under continuous attack.
Technological Enshittification - Running like gangbusters. So really - fucked.
Damn, someone give me some kind of ladder to climb out of this pit of despair.
The myth of checks and balances.
The myth of (checks notes) every single admirable or positive aspect I was raised to believe was true about our system of government and our values as a nation.
I’m in my 50s. Somewhere WAY down the list of shit that I’m absolutely furious about is that I can no longer pretend that a single thing about US values or the resilient and balanced design of our government has turned out to be true.
Every single thing that has ever benefitted non-wealthy non-white non-male non-straight or non-cis people in the US has been hard won with blood over decades or centuries. And we’re well on the way to undoing nearly all of those after not even two months of a despot in office.
Every thing I have ever been taught about what made the US great or special or even good has been a lie. It’s very plain to see now. It turns out we had some elected people superficially following the rules, and that was really the only thing keeping it all together.
I feel like I’m in those years of You really want a 3d TV, right? Right? 3D is what you’ve been waiting for, right? all over again, but with a different technology.
It will be VR’s turn again next.
I admit I’m really rooting for affordable, real-world, daily-use AR though.