Trump and company are responsible for the longest federal government shutdown in U.S. history.
And now they’re in total control.
So clearly causing an extended shutdown doesn’t have any harmful effects on the party at fault. So I say go for it Democrats.
I’m old enough to remember American cities with large smog clouds hanging over them during the summer.
Looks like we’re actually stupid enough as a nation to bring that back.
Loser country.
As an American I confirm that, as a whole, we’re pretty goddamn stupid.
So yeah, I could totally see this happening.
Social Security is a non-partisan red line.
If this chode killed it his chances of survival would plummet.
When Reddit bans or even just temporarily suspends me, I just create a new account right away and jump back in.
I only use Reddit in a Brave private window. If I want to use Reddit on my phone I just use RedReader and never bother logging in. I don’t really feel the need to post when I’m mobile anyway.
Once I’m banned/suspended I open a Firefox window and create a new Outlook account.
Open a new Brave private window and create a new Reddit account with the new email. Log in. But hey, all your subreddits aren’t there from your old account and man, it’s going to be annoying to re-add all those subs, right? Nah. There’s a browser script for that.
In your old Reddit account go to or whatever button you click on in Reddit that shows a list of all your subreddits. At the top of your list of subs is a link titled “multireddit of your subscriptions”. Right click on that link and copy it.
Now go to your new Reddit account and paste that link in the URL field and hit enter and you’ll have a list of all your subs from your old account with the join button next to all of them. You could go down the list clicking join on all of them. I have hundreds, so screw that. I use the script. I won’t paste my script, just go to Google and search for “Reddit sub auto-add script Github”. There’s a few different ones you can try. Essentially, in the window with your new account and all the subs with the join buttons, you are hitting F12 to open the developer console, clicking on the “Console” tab, and then pasting the script and hitting “Enter” to run it. The script is essentially just searching the page for all the “Join” buttons and auto-clicking them.
NOTE: If the script is clicking those join buttons too fast, or if you’ve decided to manually go down the page clicking the join buttons and you’re doing it too fast, Reddit detects that and will block you from Reddit for like 10-15 minutes before you can continue. In any of these scripts you’ll see a number, usually 500. That’s the milliseconds the script waits before clicking on the next join button. 500 used to work. Now you’ll want to change that to like 3000 or 5000 to increase the wait time. 5000 has been working for me.
That’s it though. You can just leave that window with the script open and it’ll go down your list of subs auto-joining them. Before I found that script it was REALLY annoying manually clicking on hundreds of join buttons. Now, steps 1-4 take me less than 5 minutes and then step 5 is automated so I just go do something else. My new accounts aren’t shadowbanned and I’m back on their shitty site nice and quick. Because honestly, I wouldn’t still bother with their site at all if I had to wait for my suspension to end or had to manually rejoin all my subs every time.
Had a job interview once where they asked me how much I was expecting to make. I told them and they responded with “Yeah, I think we can do that.” Then when they called me to offer me the job they had lowered it by a few bucks an hour. I took it because I had to at the time. They knew that people are desperate and this was their strategy with everyone. Fucking scum.
Have you met his mother? That also explains a lot.
Because they failed history class.
And probably other classes as well.
In short, they are not very intelligent.
Mine’s pretty open-ended.
I’m going to go with gassing in a concentration camp for opposing the fascists.
History repeats itself.
Brought to you by dipshit conservatives and non-voters.
A CHOSEN recession. This truly is the dumbest timeline.
If these people existed in the past, before modern society broke the process of natural selection, they’d have perished long ago.
Try educating a conservative and then come back and tell me how you think we’re going to move forward as a nation.
Shit. I’m an American and I’m trying to boycott American goods.
Do your thing world. You’ve got my support.
Conservatives do what daddy tells them to do.
Felon rapist says what?
An entirely treasonous party.
If you support a traitor, you are a traitor.
The old Republican party is dead. Now it’s only grifters and sycophants who are 100% willing to be treasonous to get what they want.
And so far the “land of the brave” is rolling over and letting them do it.
He’s talking about the 1994 treaty Ukraine made with Russia in which Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in exchange for Russia’s promise to never invade them.
He put “guarantees” in quotes because Russia fucking lied.
Because that’s what Russia does.
So what good do any kinds of guarantees from Russia or America or anyone else do for Ukraine in regards to this war when they already gave up a powerful means of self defense and were fucking lied to?
Lol. Remember when a bunch of assholes voted 3rd party or didn’t vote because they were upset with Democrat’s handling of foreign affairs?
Clown country.
Wealthiest man in the world got his mind fried by social media like a dumbass pre-teen.
The answer is Stuxnet.
Read up. It’s insane.