Lagavulin or Bear Fight.
You’re welcome.
Lagavulin or Bear Fight.
You’re welcome.
So, do I turn myself in, or just wait for someone to call the authorities?
I think I’ll wait.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that it’s useless.
So you’d honestly be totally fine with our current administration wasting money on pointless things, or you’re dishonestly just saying things for reactions?
So, how exactly is that different than what it currently is?
Seriously…. Why the fuck is this clown allowed to cut ANYTHING?
The moment he cuts a single service someone depends on, he should be sued into submission. How is this happening?
Thus was beautiful. Well done!
Right?? That was a masterclass of calling someone out!
I had a cheeseburger for dinner. It was…… okay.
Pointing out in a reasonable manner what you did wrong so as to answer the countless times you’ve asked across 14 communities?
No, I don’t think I am. But you’re welcome to appeal to the admins of LW by reporting this response to them.
I’m not going to feed your need to debate this any further. I’ve said what I felt you needed to know.
Enjoy your…. Whatever this is.
No. You’re trolling. And you are very well aware of it.
Read the room. And then stop doing it.
No, we aren’t.
The fundamental difference is, I’m not posting what I felt needed to be said across multiple communities and fighting with everyone that tries to tell me that this isn’t the way to go about getting one’s point across- you are.
I’m not going to argue with you. I’m just pointing out something I felt needed to be said.
Rule 5:
No baiting, sealioning, or promoting an agenda.
The fact that you’re spamming this in a bunch of community to pick fights perfectly illustrates the violation of this rule.
So… IMHO- Your post was rightfully removed and done without the irony you’re implying. Despite what you might think, It’s not authoritarian to eject disruptive content.
This is probably the only way he can get erections.
I’ll take- “Exploding Airplanes” for $400, Alex.
They could have 1,000,000 signatures. The result will be always the same when the man you are trying to impeach personally owns the military.