As far as phones go, the Razor Phone 2. It hurts to hold for too long.
My label printer. Horrible UI. How do I switch to capital letters? How to numbers? It can print two small lines instead of one, but how? It also has bold, italics, underline, but getting there is a game of trial and error.
And the display is not WYSIWYG, but just five or eight characters. You never know what you will get when hit the print button. And you cannot save labels you successfully designed - it just remembers the one in the system when you switched it off.
Any phone larger than my 2016 iphone SE. I have a fairphone and it’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a phone but it’s SO BIG. It has a one handed mode, but that turns itself off whenever you tap the back button, which is so annoying it’s making me aggressive. I used to lie in bed, chilling, looking at memes with one hand while the other arm was cosily under the blanket. That’s a thing of the past. I also can’t rest the hand I have chronic pain in because I always need to use both hands to not keep dropping my phone and reach all of the screen.
I went from original iPhone SE to 13 mini. I kept using the SE until it was no longer updated, although it still gets security updates from time to time. The 13 mini is a little larger, but not 6.5“ larger. I’m dreading the day that they stop supporting it, modern phones are so huge. I did read about a guy that doesn’t have a phone, just an Apple Watch, I might think about that.
Windows on my family members’ devices.
I’ve been in Linux land for so long now that I’ve forgotten windows’ idiosyncrasies… rather they’ve changed since XP.
Everything is hidden/obscured/cryptic. Just recently I needed to my account on my child’s laptop, no way on the login screen to do that. Just their account visible. Turns out that is a feature and requires three different registry settings to disable according to MS’s appalling community support.
I truly don’t understand how to use an apple computer. It’s terrible to use.
@SLVRDRGN @TokenEffort I feel the same when handed an iThing these days. I don’t think it helps that the ones I’m handed have had everything on them moved around and whatnot by children.