Because Americans conflate this with race when it’s not the skin color that causes pain for Europeans but the cultural aspects. Clearly Islam and gypsy cultures are much more than race right?
Because Americans conflate this with race when it’s not the skin color that causes pain for Europeans but the cultural aspects. Clearly Islam and gypsy cultures are much more than race right?
This is a major oversimplification.
Americans made a huge mistake tying race to identity so hard and it’s incredibly cringy from outsiders pov. Europe is taking more of a colorblind approach and while it still needs a lot of work it’s much more sustainable and really the only viable path forward. World where race == identity will never be sustainable.
Sat internet is so overhyped. As it’s limited by physics cell towers will always outperform them. Simple as that.
This is purely a security issue not a consumer one.
Not to mention the CEOs or Mozilla brought in no apparent value. The company and products have been on a clear decline but compensation packages are higher. Its fucking stupid.
Tbf most people have no clue how to use it nor even understand what “AI” even is.
I just taught my mom how to use circle to search and it’s a real game changer for her. She can quickly lookup on-screen items (like plants shes reading about) from an image and the on-screen translation is incredible.
Also circle to search gets around link and text copy blocking giving you back the same freedoms you had on a PC.
Personally I’d never go back to a phone without circle to search - its so under-rated and a giant shift in smartphone capabilities.
Its very likely that we’ll have full live screen reading assistants in the near future which can perform circle to search like functions and even visual modifications live. It’s easy to dismiss this as a gimmick but there’s a lot of incredible potential here especially for casual and older users.
There’s a big difference between anesthetic use and recreational abuse tho.
There isn’t much study on recreational abuse and the few that exist are very damning, from neurotoxicity to straight up brain lacerations. Of course this needs more studying but theres very real chance K abuse has real damage.
There’s a difference between recreational K use and stuffing it down every opportunity you get. If you’ve done K you know how it looks and Musk looks like that 100% of the time.
I have a lot of ketamine users in my town and many highly functioning ones and it’s very clear that the drug has long tail disassociative effects. They are so disconnected and zombie like despite seemingly functional.
I say this as a psychonaut myself - long term K use is pretty scary but people are afraid to shit on K because if not abused it’s seems to have a lot of powerful positive effects on many.
It already feels overdue considering drones are quite popular for drug drops, even directly to prisons. Once some big events happen like high profile assassination, terrorist attack ir even something menial it’ll be game over for free flying.
Having a drone is such an eye opener tho and I really recommend getting one before it becomes too complicated to own one. Seeing your environment from 100 meters up is such a perspective change. Taking a drone on a road trip and thinking “I wonder what’s behind that boulder there” and actually being able to find out is a very grounding experience :)
Drone attacks and drone based spying will be huge and hobby drones will be highly restricted.
As a casual drone enthusiast I’m already filling in all of my flying now because the free flying days seem to be numbered.
He’s clearly a Russian asset. Theres no rational thought or ideology here - he’s just fucking shit up for fucking shit up sake and USA can’t do anything about it.
Man ametican finace education is beyond redemption at this point. No wonder your election was designed by egg prices 🙄
Lmao dudes bringing local anecdotes as facts. Bye 👋
Luxury just means certain point beyond normal price. If doesn’t mean the most expensive option.
Everything above x price is a luxury item and that’s a perfectly correct statement. Luxury doesn’t mean the most expensive option.
Such a great deal you replied to me trice?
Byd goes brrr
Thats 3 budget vehicles, no? Any other product that’s costs 3x of a budget version price is a luxury product.
Base price is 42k tho what are you talking about. That’s like 3 budget cars. No wonder Americans can’t handle egg prices when your finance education functions based on marketing trajectories 🙄
Putin is death