I’m only alive because successfully killing myself is hard. Bernadette, she/her, smash bros addict, dog person, work addict, ruined beyond repair, stuck in the past. I will defend Amazon and Nintendo like they’re the parents I never had. They did, and will do, nothing wrong, ever.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2024


  • I ask because there’s no way it’s just a phobia. Every single time anything goes well something bad happens to balance it out. Yesterday afternoon I went for a ride in the nice weather but it turned out my scooter wasn’t plugged in fully so I only had 50% plus the tires were flat so the mileage was awful. Couldn’t ride for as long as I wanted. Went to the gym and reached my goals and also bought some fast food in the same day despite these bad omens and some of the food leaked in my bag on the way home onto my gym clothes then my phone holder randomly broke so I’ll need a new one. Also my scooter tires were flat so I had to inflate them which took a long time and almost made me late to work. The valve is hard to unscrew and I got a blister on my thumb that hurts like hell. Also my back hurts horribly and it’s interfering with my job alongside that stupid blister. Everything good comes with something at least 1.5x worse. My boyfriend is annoyed at how overprotective and overbearing I am of him, but every time I find someone I actually enjoy being around, they die. I can’t take it anymore.

  • The attacks on transgender people will spread to the rest of the LGBTQ community, then the disabled, then immigrants, then Jewish people, and so on. Because first they came for the transgender people and we didn’t speak out.

    Fediverse will be regulated by law or some nonsense, making it exactly like the centralized platforms.

    President Elon Musk serves half of his third term as permanent president of the United States. All public transit and bike lanes are abolished in favor of cars, and many people go broke after losing their jobs after being unable to afford to make it to work. Inflation is at an all time high with everyone being nostalgic about today’s prices where everything is still affordable. He also makes it illegal to be transgender. We go back to democracy when some rando who deliberately changed their name to a Mario character assassinates Musk.

    The next smash cuts a character everyone loves but also has the three house leaders.

    The International Brotherhood of Teamsters conveniently forgot about Amazon.

    Reddit shuts down or lives on as a husk like 𝕏. Or even better, Elon buys reddit, calls it 𝕏 Communities and throws out brand materials like “subreddit” in favor of generic “community”. Place becomes 𝕏 Draw and is only powered by AI image generators. Each pixel costs one dogecoin and users generate ai images at the resolution of the pixels they own.

    Nintendo’s next console is a Switch 3.

    Everyone has a folding phone now.

  • The only things a family’s mother cared about was grocery shopping and watching people die on TV. Anything that got in the way of that was a problem.

    One of her daughters can drive, and every Saturday and Sunday, she’d drive the whole family to Stop & Shop, Walmart, Target, Costco, another Costco, another Target, an international market, another international market, a Chinese market, an Indian market, Aldi, Lidl, BJ’s Wholesale, and Sam’s Club. These grueling journeys would last 15 hours.

    Bringing in the groceries and trying to fill an already overfilled refrigerator with duct tape from last week’s journey took several hours. On Sundays we had to take out trash, which included old meat and produce that family’s mother over-overbought for herself and let rot while blaming the same people she vilified for eating some of. Taking out trash was always a five hour slog, but on Sunday it was a longer slog.

    By the time the trash is out and that family’s mother’s groceries are in the fridge and freezer, everyone would need to rush to get ready to go to school or work. I always had to skip a shower on Mondays as me washing myself was seen as a waste of resources and time by everyone in that family as I don’t count as a real human being.

    And yes, Monday NIGHT. Not afternoon, night. There were dogs that family’s mother brought home and neglected and skimped out on everything for so she could buy more groceries and watch more rich people pretend to die. We would need to walk them, not in the afternoon, but at night, and we were not allowed to sleep before walking them. She found it funny and would come up with some other excuse for why we needed to wait to sleep.

    Same thing happened on Wednesdays but without the grocery shopping. Can’t sleep before walking the dogs or taking out the trash, the latter being started at 1AM and taken out at 6AM.

    Childhood is prison. Literally it’s being raised to be clean and healthy, then being bullied and humiliated for doing the right things, then being punished and reprimanded for not doing the thing you were literally bullied and humiliated for doing. Fuck childhood.

    I should add that my life was sitting on a short bus for 2 hours, then sitting in the same desk for 7 hours straight, then sitting on the short bus for 2.5 hours to go isolate myself from my original bullies and their mother.