Blender: Free
The know-how, creativity, and talent to make something good: Takes a lifetime to acquire.
Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3
Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.
Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.
Blender: Free
The know-how, creativity, and talent to make something good: Takes a lifetime to acquire.
You forget that protestantism was basically invented from the ground up to be “Christianity rewritten to be extremely capitalist”
I ask friends who are more intelligent than me
And if they don’t know I assume it is forbidden knowledge that would drive me mad to know
(I am only half joking)
Normal country
Normal things are done in it.
I think saying Tankies aren’t Communists is a bit like saying Sword Art Online isn’t an anime.
Just because they suck doesn’t remove them from the category. In fact acknowledging the sucky parts of a <thing> is part of being grown up about that thing.
Communists (internet troll-ish)
As opposed to Communists (just-- communists) from and Communists (Spicy Communists) from
World War 3.
But it won’t be a nuclear war that ends the world. (un?)fortunately. – Nuclear war doesn’t benefit the elites – Instead it will be a jillion proxy skirmishes all over the developing world, as countries get puppeteered by Russia/China/USA into fighting their battles, and said countries get ‘support’ in the form of weapons and training that will breed a whole new generation of extremist regimes and terrorists.
In the end, we’ll be back to the same ol’ same ol’ – Life gets shittier for everyone in a gradual, painful, tedious way.
1984 with just a hint of Wall-E.