Well, I made it up, I didn’t copy it from somewhere. In other words, I’m contributing OC, here…
Oh no, you!
Well, I made it up, I didn’t copy it from somewhere. In other words, I’m contributing OC, here…
Mod notice: It is important to keep in mind that we are all strangers on the internet here, and it is therefore important to exercise critical thinking when it comes to medical advice and related questions.
Anything you read here has the potential to be completely made up and/or wrong, including this mod notice.
Alphane_Moon just convinced me to take out a huge loan with my house as security, and invest in Eutelsat. I suggest everyone else does the same.
In terms of what? Cost? No idea, that’s some other departments problem.
As for use case, it is for outfitting two ships with internet access better than the usual 2-5mbit VSAT. Two antennae each to account for loss of coverage on one antenna due to the superstructure possibly getting in the way.
We use it to improve remote operation of offshore hardware, but starlink isn’t as good as it used to be. When first installing it in January 2021 it was great, 150mbit+, but as more and more people bought starlink, performance dropped significantly.
What is the political-lean equivalent of integer overflow?
I doubt Lemmy as a whole is a big fan of Christie, but at least he’s able to call out people trying to get bullshit soundbites by memorizing a post-it.
I see no reason to doubt your claim. Slava Ukraini! yak spravy, i yakyy tviy ulyublenyy dynozavr?
(On a related note, are there any translation services that are as good as that of Google?)
In the name of science with a dash of self hatred, I had a look at 4chan earlier today. It seems even those morons blame trump for the market downturn.
Especially considering the Anheiser Busch (or however it’s spelled) boycot over someone else’s gender identity.
The ones yelling “Snowflake!!11” for a decade turned out to be crybabies. Who woulda thunk.
And here I was feeling good about myself after I canceled an order of 4 units for work. But every magnitude matters, I guess.
EDIT: Because starlink customer support is awful. It is a good product in theory, but because of their lack of service update, such as when they change stuff that affects us, it cannot be relied upon in production environments. And in todays political climate I simply don’t want him to get any more money from me. We managed with 2mbit VSAT before, and will do so again.
./configure && make && sudo make install
…has entered the chat
At least he has daddy vladdys attention
Copypasting my answer from the previous thread:
My current specific employment: A coworker of mine was laid off from my former employer, and joined the competition instead. Turns out that they needed what I do, and were willing to pay whatever it took, so they poached me with an offer I couldn’t refuse.
My job: Covid happened, and cuts were made among the field crew. I landed a role in the support structure instead, where I’ve been ever since.
My career: No fucking idea what happened. In 2008 I applied for a job and I had no idea what it was, and for which I was severely under qualified. I got it anyway. Turns out that being used to heavy machinery, computers/linux, and jury rigging was exactly what they were looking for, depsite wanting all sorts of degrees.
How much are we talking? Are there any documented suicides by nutmeg?
You Could be Mine was the perfect choice for the moped scene.
deleted by creator
I grew up north of the toxic belt, and it’s my firm opinion that Italian food is overrated. Well, except Parmesan, I’ll give them that.
Lasagna is like a moussaka with too much tomato sauce and layers of pasta that should’ve been skipped.
Anyone who downvotes this is either Italian, or has a fetish for mashed tomatoes.
find /mnt/gubarmentfiles/ -name “*gay*” -exec rm {} \;
– some dogenerate, propably.
DO NOT call the police. They will confiscate the server as evidence, and lacking any other suspect, you will be their primary lead. Police aren’t about convictions or justice, they want to consider a case solved.
By law, you are not liable. But because of law enforcement incentives, it will absolutely become your problem.
Phineas and Ferb + McGyver