I’m pretty book smart. I’m a theoretical physicist. This could very easily happen to me. Luckily, I don’t keep strong glue, so the only time it happened it was oily ear drops in my eyes that made my vision blurry for a little while.
I’m pretty book smart. I’m a theoretical physicist. This could very easily happen to me. Luckily, I don’t keep strong glue, so the only time it happened it was oily ear drops in my eyes that made my vision blurry for a little while.
True, I’m one of them. Wouldn’t really say I’m in poverty, but I certainly couldn’t afford a car. But that’s not relevant, since nobody questioned that. You did, however, question why one would make a 4 min drive, so I gave reasons why someone might.
Please don’t ride your bike drunk. Youre not just endangering yourself, but other cyclists and pedestrians too.
Some parts of the world are so heavily built for cars that they are hostile and dangerous to walkers and bikers, and also have little to no public transport. Also, some people are disabled.
The coins themselves carry no value and is backed by jack-shit. Comparing them to baseball cards seems very apt. Baseball cards, bubbles and FOMO.
This is true of every currency. Even precious metals are only precious because we think they are.
Not arguing pro crypto here, more like, anti capitalism, with crypto only being the next generation of a thing that only has a value because some ppl have decided that it does.
Genuinely curious, why? I’ve been meaning to understand where this idea comes from. Or do you just mean preferable as in you prefer their taste or something like that?
All cops perpetuate the states monopoly on violence. Their primary purpose is also usually to uphold the interests of capital. I mean, just look at pro Palestine demonstrations in Europe. Depending on who you ask, that’s pretty bad.
That doesn’t mean that everyone becomes a cop for nefarious reasons though.
Any phone larger than my 2016 iphone SE. I have a fairphone and it’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a phone but it’s SO BIG. It has a one handed mode, but that turns itself off whenever you tap the back button, which is so annoying it’s making me aggressive. I used to lie in bed, chilling, looking at memes with one hand while the other arm was cosily under the blanket. That’s a thing of the past. I also can’t rest the hand I have chronic pain in because I always need to use both hands to not keep dropping my phone and reach all of the screen.
How dare you. I’m a physicist, not an engineer.
I used to play this game with Google translate when it was newish
Pursue a particle physics degree
Source: I’ve been at my masters thesis for two years please kill me
I guess I don’t check my eye drops as much because I tend to finish them long before they expire. Routine things that only take a few seconds are easy to do without paying attention either way though.