the big thing that’s different about american cops is the amount of education they get. here, even patrolling police have a university level education in social sciences, ethics, law, medicine etc. it’s a three year degree of which six months are spent as a trainee. AFAIK, some states in the us have like half a year of training total.
also, due to an event in the 30s, the use of police on worker suppression is deeply ingrained.
there is no doubt that they protect the interest of capital, but they are tightly regulated. also i’m not saying the regulations automatically make them competent.
They’re also trained to deescalate.
I remember a while ago somebody posted a video of an Italian cop talking a guy who was beating his girlfriend into giving himself up and the Americans were completely baffled that he hadn’t just shot him.
Mandatory training to become a police officer:
- US: 600-700 hours on average, much of which is gun and combat training and not policing
- Canada 2080 hours
- Spain 2880 hours
- Germany 4000 hours
With that little time spent training and heavy combat focus a US cop might get as little as 2-4 weeks of training on everything that a cop does that doesn’t involve guns. People get shot by US cops because they weren’t taught anything else. People don’t get help from US cops because they were never taught solving problems that don’t involve shooting a minority.
Cartman yelling
respect my authoritah!
is not far off from what a rookie US cop knows about being a police officer.All cops perpetuate the states monopoly on violence. Their primary purpose is also usually to uphold the interests of capital. I mean, just look at pro Palestine demonstrations in Europe. Depending on who you ask, that’s pretty bad.
That doesn’t mean that everyone becomes a cop for nefarious reasons though.
American cops are kinda average compared to the global stage. Most of Europe, for example, has much more restrained, much less incompetent cops. On the other hand, much of the world has cops much worse than the US. I have a family member who lived in one of the less stable African countries, who recounted seeing a bunch of cops beat a child for “daring” to wear camo pants, and that wasn’t considered particularly shocking.
My impression is that it is certainly a lot worse in the US than here in Germany. I imagine the abundance of guns means that being a cop is fucking dangerous, which means they will get uneasy in conflicts quite logically, but also that it’s not exactly a job you go for, if you have aspirations in life. I mean, why would anyone voluntarily become a cop in the US, if not to abuse your power?
I think Germany is known for serious police. In fact, I half remember a joke about that… something about the perfection of a British Cop, a German car, and an French Chef – compared to the misery of a German Cop, a French car, and a British Chef.
Obviously not funny in the mangling, but the joke wasn’t that German cops were bad, just not the generally pleasant ‘fair cop’ stereotype of Brits.
Personally,. the stereotypes that have stuck in my head are: that low-level officials in India (including cops) can be bribed to look the other way for minor things, Nordic cops are well trained in de-escalation and restraint techniques where no one gets injured, Brit cops might be fair or might be racist, but the laws give better protection to citizens, and that German cops are stern, and will rigidly follow and enforce all laws and rules… generally. Not sure if it is true or not, but I’ve also heard that German cops will fuck you up if you give them reason, but you’d really have to give them reason.
I think Germany is known for serious police
German cops will fuck you up if you give them reason, but you’d really have to give them reason
Lol I saw a video of some dude doing a nazi salute and nearby cops tackled him 🤣
Just for some German context: the Nazi salute is not covered by any freedom of expression or opinion in a political context. What Elon did on stage would have landed him in a German court. Similar restrictions apply to displaying certain symbols, e.g. the swastika. German cops are legally required to intervene when they see them in public.
I don’t know the video in question, I don’t know if the cops overreacted - a reaction was required though.
the Nazi salute is not covered by any freedom of expression or opinion in a political context
What Elon did on stage would have landed him in a German court.
Double good.
Good. There’s no place on earth for nazis, but ESPECIALLY Germany.
Tell that to the 93% of morons who voted AfD in my town in Brandenburg. I’m so glad I’m moving away.
Heh, it may seem like the risks of being shot as a cop are high. And I guess it is, compared to something like being an office worker.
But cops shoot way more citizens than shoot them, and they kill way more as well. It could be argued that those are defensive shootings, but, well, we know they aren’t all justified at all. And enough of those police killing citizens are against entirely unarmed people that it’s absurd. That’s also ignoring the dogs they kill, when they kill each other, and that even the defensive shootings are often escalated by the police rather than them dealing with someone out to kill them.
But, for real, it used to be a job you could be proud of, if you ignored al the systemic problems. There’s still people that go into it wanting to make a difference, to help people and serve their community. You’ll not get rich as an honest cop, but it’s an okay living compared to jobs requiring similar levels of training and education. There’s health coverage, paid time off, a union that backs officers well. If you only see the surface, it’s a great job.
It’s under the surface that gets you, and since most cops start their career fairly young, they don’t know that going in. Those get weeded out fast though. Sometimes when other cops turn on them for not wanting to be dirty. Sometimes lethally
Because they are not trained to properly deescalate. Or how to deal with intense, potentially threatening situations. They simply fall back to “gun” if they lack the power to deal with a situation otherwise.
In my country, a police officer drawing a weapon can expect to write a stack of reports on why he or she did that. And they better have a very good reason.
I’m defintely not a fan of cops, but in Scotland I never thought of them as evil/lazy/incompetent. They’re still the arm of state control, and have been used to break strikes and stuff, but there is at least a vibe of policing by consent. There are plenty of cases of individual cops who were psychos, and the institution defintely defaults to ‘protecting it’s own’ which is a fucking terrible attitude and in my mind makes all cops culpable for the crimes of the “bad apples”. So I’m still acab overall.
But most of my interactions with the police have been pretty decent, and that includes being questioned as a suspect (for something that I may not have been innocent of…) They don’t ‘solve’ many petty crimes like burglary that actual effect normal people but they are generally university educated and properly trained.
I now live in France, where the police are none of those things. I’ve only heard bad things about them ranging from patronising and incompetent to raping student protesters in the back of the police van. I would never ask a French cop for help, but unless I was high or carrying something illegal, i wouldn’t be worried about talking to a Scottish policeman.
Same in about every western civilized country, and many countries outside, too. American cops are relatively untrained, especially when it comes to non-standard situations, where they often stress out and overrreact due to lack of training.
No idea on how bad it is,
From my understanding regarding French cops, A big issue is that the ranking at the end of training defines who choose their position first. Guess what happens : The cop who thrived in training will either go to a nice medium town in southern France to get a steady a job without too much stress, or take an interesting job in prestigious unit like crime-brigade (which would kickstart the rest of their carrer), while the one who barely passed end-up in a bad neighbourhood, resulting in high crime/bad neighbourhood end up with the worst cop of the country while the place who don’t need much cops get the best ones.
It’s everywhere. It’s just a matter of more or less.
Go to Central America and see what you think about American cops then.