Defintely. But it’s not so much I feel morally bad, I just hate reddit so I don’t enjoy using it. I guess I was hidden from the worst of it by using boost, but now when I want to use reddit briefly (to ask some niche question that I won’t get a lot of responses on lemmy) I use the website and the experience is so unpleasant. There’s now all these awful gamification popups, “Keep your 1/300 streak going!” bullshit.
Yup, flashcards and spaced repitition are pretty well evidenced for memorisation. I’m also a fan of mind maps, but that’s more for linking ideas and concepts together, not just learning acronyms, but mixing the two works well.
There are other memorisation techniques that you might find helpful depending on how keen you are (visualisation, methods of loci, etc) but for most people they feel like to much trouble to learn. Creating mnemonics and associating stupid images and stuff with otherwise arbitary acronyms can help. I can still remember all my physics equations from high-school QIT PIV etc because of stupid nonsense phrases I associated with them.