It’s not only who they serve that is on full display, it what those in power fear most
They fear it so much that they are ruthlessly crushing it across all social media platforms
TrumpcriticizesTrump is making a comeback
Does this qualify as elder abuse?
The guy that has always constantly shit on electric vehicles is now hocking Teslas on taxpayer time
That’s definitely not Trump’s writing. Not only is it legible and there are no spelling errors, it’s coherent
Swap Republicans and Trump
Trump basically is the republican party anymore
Womp womp team green
The US just decided that they’re not part of the negotiations anymore
Honestly, I shouldn’t still be pissed about my ban but I can’t help it.
I was on reddit for over 10 years with millions of fake internet points
Sitewide banned me for no discernable reason
It’s been a couple of months and they still haven’t even bothered to respond to my appeal
Now that I see how reddit’s going down the tube, I don’t even care if they respond at this point
I’m done with it
I quit and became a truck driver for a while
Thanks for the reminder that I own DVDs
I forgot all about them in storage
I’ll never forget my first one on one with the director of my engineering department.
I had been languishing away for a month at this new job trying to get a bearing on what they want from me when thankfully I got an email from the director scheduling a meeting to discuss just that.
It was a major turnaround, I felt like my life was going to finally get a dose of meaning and direction.
During the meeting the director said he needed me to write some software but gave no real specifics on its purpose out loud while he was also writing down notes. At the end of 45 minute meeting, he left his notes, shook my hand and said he looked forward to seeing what I come up with.
I shit you not, this was the “notes” he left for me
The grass is always greener I suppose
I did engineering, wish I had done something like culinary arts
After all day engineering, I come home and watch chefs on YouTube and botch their recipes in the kitchen while daydreaming about running a chaotic professional kitchen
Shut it down, every second the government is shut down is one second that more damage can be averted
G7 is about to become the G6 and for the same reason it’s not the G8
Recommending Vitamin A alone for measles is much akin to telling people to just walk it off
He thinks speaking diminutively to people automatically puts him in a position of power over them
It’s an insecurity issue common with bullying