So, where does that put me if I support Ukraine and I’ve been against the genocide in Gaza the entire time.
With the sane rational people
There are dozens of us
Anyone who acts like “The Left” has a unified voice rn should consider leaving their echo chamber
What the fuck is this nonsense? I guess words don’t mean anything anymore.
“The Left supports genocidal imperialism!”
That’s a hell of a take.
we get it OP, you voted for Stein, congrats on helping Trump!
Tankies do memes?
I mean I guess Zelenskyy is a liberal centrist so the math checks out… Not going to win any hearts and minds telling people supporting Ukraine is incompatible with leftist thought though. It’s a very popular stance.
also agreed, I personally consider myself very far left… IMO supporting ukrane is very important because Russia is clearly a threat to the world. Authoriterian regimes taking over neighboring nations, does not bode well for anyone. Historically they don’t stop at one.
Lovely straw man you’ve got there.