Well they make some great puns/jokes.
A man regularly was feeding crows in his yard in an attempt to get them to follow and protect him.
He was arrested for attempted murder.
Well they make some great puns/jokes.
A man regularly was feeding crows in his yard in an attempt to get them to follow and protect him.
He was arrested for attempted murder.
News flash… we’ve been trying the “oh yeah we don’t fully disagree, we grant you a bit of what you like, then you grant a bit of what we want”, and they respond, “oh thank you for what I want… GIVE ME MORE, oh and your stuff FUCK YOU”.
No different than when we caved out obamacare to give into the insane nonstop demands the republicans had for it, but it was worth it to earn… Zero republican votes, 60+ attempts to repeal it.
But less on the policy side lets go on just narrative public speaking types. Next step is the make your case, give a strong arguement for your side. But he’s not really doing that, he’s bringing the far right on, letting them speak, half the time agreeing, half the time being silent.
But ok, so he’s going to mix his guests 50/50, bring on one he agrees with, one he disagrees with, 2/2 right wing… nah doesn’t look that way either.
So question is, what’s he doing that’s different than Joe Rogan at this point?
Huge variations. I’d say probably the technologically literate percentages of people is about the same… but tech has allowed the technologically illiterate the ability to use the internet.
That’s the point… He brought on Charlie Kirk, and rather than, arguing with him… or trying to show his audience why what Kirk has to say shouldn’t have a place in the discourse. He basically was looking for something he can agree with and highlighting the good.
such a fucking stupid view… By definition every scenerio we are in is something god put us in… Living as a human is taking action to avoid death. Be it eating, taking shelter from the elements, drinking water. Why are microbes any different than say… mountain lions… If a fricking mountain lion threatens your kids, is the response going to be “well guns are man made, god put those mountain lions there for a reason”. or are you going to get out there, and hunt that thing.
unfortunately in this case he didn’t…
come on guys… we know trump says stupid shit on a daily basis, and stupid hypocritical nonsense, IE how long he spent complaining about obama’s golfing… while he himself is spending far more time on the course. In his own courses, while gouging the Secret service.
Such a facepalming concept, how the hell can boycots be illegal.
Maybe breaking a contract can be illegal, obviously sit ins, and vandalism can be illegal. But no sane person can call not buying something illegal.
Hell isn’t that exactly what the capitalist class is supposedly claiming is the one thing that’s supposed to guide the free market. IE we don’t need regulations, companies wont drop toxic waste in your water, because that would discourage you from buying their products.
well that’s common, but the big thing is, you can see what you are working with. Big difference in at least knowing you need to try a different site when say
Google: Law about X in state1
Top result: Law about X in state3: It’s illegal
Result 2 pages in: here’s a list of each page and whether law X is legal in your state… (State 1 legal)
Versus chatgpt
Is X legal in state1?
Chatgpt: No
from the article, it sounds like he is… It’s carrot/stick… Oh you already introduced a carrot when I was out of office… but, I wanted to use sticks, Kill the carrot, more stick!
(tarrifs being the stick).
Amen to that. I mean right now there’s also more reason than ever to convince people to leave reddit. (IE people being banned, not just for mentioning luigi, but upvoting comments mentioning luigi).
Let your children and immunocompromised friends and family die
Unfortunately, that’s the part that makes me unable to just laugh and say “have at it”. I can let my sympathies wane for those old enough to vote.
IMO the problem is, they falsely assume everyone wants what the republicans are selling, and their biggest flaw is that they are pollarizing. That’s why they always start introducing as much republican lite things into their policies.
They don’t understand, that by doing that, they are effectively telling the american people that the republicans are right. IE say the republican party on immigration etc… is lock em up in the fastest way, forget about humanity and ship them out as fast as possible, fuck due process these people are dangerous and destroying everything.
Democrats: Well I can back you on making sure we get them out as soon as we can, but I think we can do it without human rights violations.
They don’t realize… that effectively to the outside observer going off of both of those policies they are hearing “both parties agree these people are dangerous and ruining everything, one wants to get rid of them as fast as possible, the other wants to prioritize us not hurting them over preventing them from harming us”.
I mean if you don’t want others to get to it.
Or if say you want to participate on 2 seperate servers that don’t federate eachother.
But in general a small hobby lemmy instance, can join all the communities on the large general purpose one. Hence, you are talking from a server I’m not familiar with, and we’re talking in a discussion on the largest most general purpose instance.
Only reason I can think of is if you are really worried of people confusing you for say a Deranged_Kermit@lemmy.world, or something.
Followed by the fascist ripping it up. “DEI!”
Valid point, though still key point is… They are getting the US government to buy tesla’s… which helps take some of the load off needing consumers to buy them.
My question really, who is buying tesla’s these days, and is that even a noteworthy percentage of musks income these days.
Honestly it looks to me like musk is just adapting to leaching off the government anyway. Also throwing in the pivot of basically getting trump to commit to buying (Edit due to incorrect information:) Vehicles from tesla for military use. I mean yes absolutely don’t give him the extra stream of income… but, but I can’t help but feel this is rather toothless.
Just get rid of the charging stations. It’s ridiculous that EV owners should expect to charge their cars anywhere but at home or at work
why the hell is that ridiculous? People do go places other than home and work. People take road trips and vacations. Electric cars are a good thing, just because one particular brand is owned by a narcisist ruining the country.
I’m sure some are… but I would say certainly seems to be a much larger percentage that prioritize their hatred of trans… and don’t seem to do a lot of actual reach in protecting women.
Big thing is the terf label or stereotype is generally assumed to try to make it look like you are fighting for a group, rather than fighting against. Lets say hypothetically I’m claiming to be super in favor of protecting birds, and say that I hate wind farms because they kill birds
If you never once hear me talk about house cats, or poachers, or any of 500 other things that can kill birds, you’ll pretty quickly catch on that I’m not actually pro-bird. Especially if I start reposting statistics about wind farms that have already been debunked etc…
Long and short… Pretty much all the big tech heads sat in the front at trumps innaugeration, including Zuck. Shortly afterwards there were a bunch of coincidental “bugs” of things like, all results being hidden when searching for democrats and LGBT, and people being set to follow trump.
I mean that’s mainly it… it’s amazing at clearing adds off of news articles general viewing pages like blogs etc… but yes as you said, it’s not particularly great for things like youtube/spotify etc… things that deliver the ads through the same source as the main content.