Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
I know I’m not really who’s being asked, but as an American, I can’t help but butt in anyway.
As an American with a very nonstandard accent who had to practice to be able to sometimes eke out an approximation of an American accent, a ‘standard’ Midwestern accent is like talking out out of the side of your mouth, rounding out all the vowels while trying to hit every consonant with an aluminum baseball bat, especially the ‘s’ sound.
Really? Fuck, I love it
“Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure.”
I played as the opposite gender one (1) time in 2010, to hear the novelty of the female VA for the protagonist in a fully voiced game after two runs as the male protagonist, and I haven’t stopped since. RIP me 😔
Because, in spite (or perhaps because of) the ‘rough individualist’ propaganda, most Americans have a strong sense of powerlessness and that all they can do is keep their head down and hope for the best. It veers into some really absurdist fatalism at times.
t. leftist American from a conservative area who still keeps tabs on family
but I guess we can keep finding new lows for our country every day.
God, isn’t that the truth.
That has to correlate with some environmental factor right?
Shitty parenting, probably.
Don’t have the patience to go through to find which video it is, but I believe the creator is
It’s utterly bizarre how baffled they are when they see success in cultivating cruelty. They’re always the first to cry ‘Unfair!’ or ‘Mean!’
I suppose the thought that not everyone will seek to inflict cruelty on the oppressed is beyond their peabrained imaginations.
Spineless fucks. Predictable, unfortunately.
I don’t get why the millionaires aren’t giving more pushback. They’re not going to be safe either from him.
Because millionaires are just as fucking stupid as the rest of the population.
Why was OP banned?
Underage user.
To me there is no doubt what’s happening, but it’s incredibly discouraging that there doesn’t seem to be a thing we can effectively do about it. American voters were offered a cyanide pill, told it was candy by a known conman and liar, and ate it despite us all shouting, “It’s cyanide, don’t be an idiot!”
I’m… done with my fellow Americans at this point.
Raptured by the One True Dog
It’s already very cheap and outdated, and honestly, I’m not very technically proficient to begin with. Already almost junked it trying to fix it once, lmao.
Well, I don’t really have the money to buy much of anything these days. But any dreams of getting a new e-bike in the near future are dashed, that’s for damn sure. This broken heap with a quarter-battery charge will have to last me a few more years.
As an American, I never had much of an attachment to ‘buying American’. I understood comparative advantage and the benefits it brings to all parties involved. I had neither favoritism for nor against American-made goods or American companies.
I’m now dedicated to buying non-American goods wherever possible, and buying as little as possible in general (though that’s not much of a change).
I once again comment that the Trump administration seems to adopt a lot of policy farmers wouldn’t like, for a party of rural areas.
Doesn’t matter. They’ll vote Republican anyway.
Luckily, the family member I’m closest to, my mother, is religiously fundamentalist and nationalist in a way that vaccinated her against MAGA, bizarrely. So talking to her is like having a 10+ year window into the past.
But yeah, for the rest, oof.