Almost kill the patient. Almost kill the patient again. Save the patient in the last 10 minutes.
Don’t forget, all of this while popping Vicodin from the moment he wakes up.
Dudes doing this while on a constant hydro wave.
Then drives into a living room.
Hey, they could have renewed Cuddy’s contract!
f* Fox.
Absolutely agree, Fox can eat rotten goat ass, I just love the absolutely insane escalation as the show went on.
The extremely rare and interesting diseases weren’t enough, no, they needed to hit levels that make daytime soaps question what’s going on while still somehow sticking to “He’s Sherlock, but a doctor. In prison!”
I was young when I watched the show and thought it was at least somewhat based on real medical science.
Though I got skeptical when I saw an episode where they trained a computer on brainwaves present when they looked at different pictures and used that to visually reconstruct the patient’s lost memories or some shit?
There was one where they sorta see a dream the patient is having from brainwaves, which is sci-fi, but at least based on actual research. I don’t remember why they assumed that would help diagnose the patient, but it probably didn’t make much sense.
There’s also one where House recreates his list memories by taking many drugs
Its Dr Sherlock, they just switched the coke for pills, Wilson is Watson, etc
House : Ho(l)mes
It’s not even subtle, House literally lives at 221B Baker Street.
And they’ve got an entire diagnostics team working on a single patient multiple days in a row, breaking into their house, running lab tests, and doing basically every single task a hospital has an entire staff for.
Would love to see the hospital bill
The breaking into the patient’s house thing became basically a running joke by the end. They did it nearly every episode.
“Small chance the patient is lying? Break into his house, shoot his dog and steal his wife. Also, foreman is black.”
Also, foreman is black.
He actually mentions at one point that part of why he picked Foreman was because of his juvenile criminal history.
Scrubs is just the better show about doctors. I will die on this hill.
Scrubs is widely considered the most realistic depiction of the medical field.
I’m to tired to click. Can I get a To Long Didn’t Click?
Ranked as follows: 5) Grey’s Anatomy, 4) House M.D., 3) ER, 2) St. Elsewhere, 1) Scrubs
AI-summary of page: This article ranks popular medical shows based on their accuracy in portraying hospital situations. It highlights inaccuracies in shows like Grey’s Anatomy, House M.D., and ER, while praising Scrubs for its realism. The article also debunks common medical myths perpetuated by TV shows, such as doctors operating outside their specialty and patients being revived just in time for commercial breaks.
Scrubs is widely considered the most realistic depiction of the medical field