Darkness took me and I strayed away through thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and every meme was as long as a life age of the earth…
you’re high on mushrooms in the Viking age, the gods are everywhere
Darkness took me and I strayed away through thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and every meme was as long as a life age of the earth…
Maybe we should elect more people that have a working class background to actually represent us instead of someone whose career started by founding a boutique winery with a billionaire heir family friend. Just a thought.
There’s really not much left to go back to. All the mods with integrity left when they effectively banned third party apps, top posts are almost entirely image or video posts recycled with time stamps/dates removed, and corporate owners are choking it by preventing organic changes via subreddits dying and being replaced over time because it doesn’t get them more ad revenue in the short term like boosting controversial and rage bait topics.
deleted by creator
Alt: Mad Max saying “that’s bait”
She’s a stooge for Musk
Some of my favorites
Disney’s animated Robin Hood - some amazing folk songs, o brother where art thou has a lot of great old timey/folksy songs too
The Third Man - the zither to end all zithers
anything by John Williams or Hans Zimmer for that big epic sound with recurring motifs- star wars, Indiana Jones, interstellar, etc
Baby Driver - lots of variety, the chase sequence with Hocus Pocus by Focus is amazing
The Blues Brothers - not just great blues, tons of soul, motown, etc with a lot of energy
The Guest - parody of '80s action/thriller style movies, soundtrack is lots of electronic & synth, feels a little like a darker version of the Drive soundtrack which is also great
A couple directors that have a very specific sound direction/profiles to them too are Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, and John Carpenter.
Adding a couple to the international (depending where you’re from) list:
The Seventh Seal
The Third Man
Abstinence makes the clergy grow fondlers
The LDS setup a child SA hotline years ago to keep clergy from getting caught by the law when guilty of SA. Someone calls it and they say it’s covered under attorney-client if it’s a LDS attorney or theological confession protections if it’s LDS clergy or admin even if the law requires them to report SA to local LEO just like teachers or counselors.
Why should anyone wear a suit when the same costume is shared by so many monstrous oppressors of the past couple centuries?
In english there’s a similar sounding word that means a joke or something done in jest, Jape with a long a