Veterans who have been abruptly fired from federal jobs say they feel betrayed by the Trump administration’s dramatic downsizing of government.
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The irony is that being a veteran is really the easiest way to get a federal job in the first place.
Will they learn? I doubt it
Ah, yet more whining from the ‘he’s not hurting who he’s supposed to be hurting!’ crowd.
That tardigrade with the tiny violin is all booked out thanks to this nonsense, or I’d hire him for this comment.
tardigrade with the tiny violin
Maybe they shouldn’t have voted for the traitor then.
It is not sum. The vast majority of veterans voted for Trump. Over 60%.
This is a misleading stat, because veterans skew heavily male and old (since Boomers were drafted for Vietnam).
In 2023, Pew published a profile of veteran demographics.
- 72% of veterans were over the age of 50.
- 37% were over the age of 70.
- 74% were white.
- 89% were men.
Polls that have broken up veterans by generation show a clear generational divide as well. This poll from 2020 showed that veterans under the age of 54, and veterans who joined the military after 2001, backed Biden over Trump.
Among veterans young enough to still be working, we’d need more detailed cross tabs to understand whether a majority of employed veterans, much less government employee veterans, voted Trump.
So for the individuals who did vote Trump, yes, this post fits. But for the group as a whole, of veterans who work in the government, I’m skeptical that they voted Trump over Harris.
It is not a misleading stat. The vast majority of Veterans voted for Trump: 60+ percent. It is that simple. You are trying to break them into groups but this is irrelevant to voting and why we have the Orange Turd in office.
You are trying to break them into groups but this is irrelevant to voting and why we have the Orange Turd in office.
The article is about veterans who were fired from federal jobs. That particular population, the subject of this article, probably voted for Harris over Trump in greater numbers.
I get your point now. You are focusing on the people in the jobs. My focus was on Veterans in general and how their voting effects all Veterans and their jobs. Sorry I was not clearer.
Can’t even be mad at them. Poor idiots were convinced to join the military. That’s the first time they got shafted. Then they got bombarded with missinformation that made them believe voting for trump is a good idea even though it very clearly went against their own interests. Shaft 2: Electric Boogaloo.
It’s like a Pokemon that keeps hurting itself in its confusion. These people are in need of assistance. Somone should pat their shoulders and say “there, there”. Best we can do.
Most people don’t join because they were convinced by a recruiter, most people going to escape poverty as it is one of the last things that allow for easier class mobility.
The military is not all out bad like people think, the risk is realistically low (depending on the MOS) and the vast majority will not have anything happen to them