He doesnt apprecheate taste either way. Wouldnt even recognise it if it would shoot him
He doesnt apprecheate taste either way. Wouldnt even recognise it if it would shoot him
I probably sleep with king Midas or meet Apollo and he grants me the same wish
I have never used this bixbi AI
Nah. He isnt edited ;)
All nazis are! Why else would you slobber over a beautiful masculine man!
Lmao i got banned for less Saying “one should burn the entire train management system down and rebuilding it a new” One thinks reddit mods are worse, reddit admins are even worse
Oh im bearing loads owo
Yeah my SPY is down as well. Buuut idc. As long as its still a thing in 30 years uwu
People: definition in america: Anyone who has south or mid english ancestrys and holds land + has an income of high income
Am not american, but i used to life with someone like that for many years. So god damn annoying
Best example: Hamburg G20
Should have shut it off entirely
“I did some IT stuff for them under their contract” yes, i had a contract with them
You said “all police are nazi” I was part of the police. I am starting to think you dont understand fully that there are more than just americans out on the internet, nore that you understand how the police works
I wasnt a cop. I worked with them in the terms of cases that i was a witness plus did some IT work under contract. Not everyone that works for the police is a cop. And yes i speak out against the wrong doing of everyone! I went into politics to bring change! I am holding demonstrations and organize them. Against homophobia, transphobia, against the AfD, left extremists, against the actions the CDU does, against russia, that the police should not be the once investigating the cases that were done by them and that their body cams need to be on when ever out in uniform and more
What have you done so faar?
Edit: you said everyone in there is corrupt. No matter if they cant speak out because they cant afford to lose the job, no matter if they speak out but cant change it because they are a single office worker in the police. No you said all are corrupt
So since i worked with the police, i am inherently corrupt and a bad person?
Is there an actual reason behind it?
I heared it is that way so you dont see the dirt on the chairs