The spider is about to pickup the wrench & fight the garage dog.
The spider is about to pickup the wrench & fight the garage dog.
History repeats itself quickly.
I wish I shared your optimism that there will be an election…
To piggyback in this, there will be organic technology created: computers using synapses, muscles powering things, etc.
Perfectly balanced…
I finally listened to what my body was trying to tell me and got a 3rd shift job.
tHe mArKeT WiLl ReGuLaTe ItSeLf!
Chicago you get shot.
Why can’t we just deport the one immigrant that’s taking all the jobs?
Dear headline writers:
Unless “Slammed” is followed by “into the announcer’s table,” use a different word.
Thank you.
Go Team Cobra Chicken!
without death
I see you played musical chairs differently than we did. Bare minimum blood was drawn.