Which would be better? Running out of ideas and going with “this, that, and that other street” or letting the internet name them “Streety McStreetface III”?
I think Canada made the right call, but also, “Streety McStreetface” would be awesome.
Iirc Boaty McBoatface actually won. The people holding the contest quickly learned asking the Internet to name your boat is a bad idea. Just like when Taylor Swift did a survey for folks to name where she should have a concert and the vote was overwhelming at a school for dead children.
But to the boat people’s credit, they named one of the life boats Boaty McBoatface.
Yeah Boaty was the first Noun-y McNoun-face I recall too. I’m pretty sure it was just so absurd (when the other submissions were mostly serious) that it birthed the meme.
That’s what we do here in Utah: 100 E, 200 S, etc. If you give me your address, I can find it without knowing anything about the area, though it might take a little longer without directions if there are non-uniform blocks. Also, I can quickly approximate how far another address is since I know how big a block is.
We name a bunch of streets too, but they all have a number name as well, usually written underneath or in the corner.
Give it about a year or two and it would just become normalized and dull. It would be funny for a month or two but after that it would be treated no more unusual as any other street name or map label. Even if you have funny names to people’s houses, eventually it all just gets normalized.
I’m indigenous Canadian and I speak my ojibway language and when I think about many of the common lakes and rivers and placenames I grew up with they’re all just places that translate to mundane things like … Rock River, Round Lake, Big Falls, Red Lake, Big Water, Muddy Water, Fast Flowing River, Trout River, etc, etc
That’s how Japan names most of its places as well. Sometimes they’re even less creative and start calling things 5th Gate City, or River 10.
And they don’t even name their residential roads, so addresses can get long (I think Korea also does this). When you write an address you have to write all the info from the biggest area and gradually narrowing: prefecture, city, ward, neighborhood
lol … I love Abbot and Costello … I watched a lot of the reruns as a kid in the 80s to know who they are. And I definitely remember this classic.
It made me think more about those Native named placenames … I remember one dad told me a long time ago was ‘Ptarmigan guts creek’ (it sounds weird and funny in Ojibway) … another was ‘Having Sex’ or ‘Fucking’ Rapids … for the longest time, I thought these places were a joke and didn’t exist. When I repeated them to many other people, they confirmed that this is what they were called.
Which would be better? Running out of ideas and going with “this, that, and that other street” or letting the internet name them “Streety McStreetface III”?
I think Canada made the right call, but also, “Streety McStreetface” would be awesome.
Why do we always vote for somethingMcSomethingFace when asked to name stuff? It’s funny, but i never understood why we do that.
It started with BoatyMcBoatface, as far as I know. The winner for naming what became the Sir David Attenborough.
Iirc Boaty McBoatface actually won. The people holding the contest quickly learned asking the Internet to name your boat is a bad idea. Just like when Taylor Swift did a survey for folks to name where she should have a concert and the vote was overwhelming at a school for dead children.
But to the boat people’s credit, they named one of the life boats Boaty McBoatface.
Amazing typo.
Ngl I didn’t notice it.
I’m not changing it. It still works.
Took me longer than I care to admit.
Yeah Boaty was the first Noun-y McNoun-face I recall too. I’m pretty sure it was just so absurd (when the other submissions were mostly serious) that it birthed the meme.
Don’t know. A bar I used to go to had a hefeweizen called Wheaty McWheatface, which I thought was funny
I would get that beer immediately.
I’ll be a killjoy and answer sincerely: just number them. 1st Ave, 2nd Ave, 3rd Ave, etc.
That’s what we do here in Utah: 100 E, 200 S, etc. If you give me your address, I can find it without knowing anything about the area, though it might take a little longer without directions if there are non-uniform blocks. Also, I can quickly approximate how far another address is since I know how big a block is.
We name a bunch of streets too, but they all have a number name as well, usually written underneath or in the corner.
It works really well.
This Street I, This Street II, This street 95
Re: Re: Fwd: This Street (final) (V2)
I’ll be a silly little gremlin and name the people on those streets then.
You’ve got Who’s house on first, What’s on second, and I Dunno’s on third.
Give it about a year or two and it would just become normalized and dull. It would be funny for a month or two but after that it would be treated no more unusual as any other street name or map label. Even if you have funny names to people’s houses, eventually it all just gets normalized.
I’m indigenous Canadian and I speak my ojibway language and when I think about many of the common lakes and rivers and placenames I grew up with they’re all just places that translate to mundane things like … Rock River, Round Lake, Big Falls, Red Lake, Big Water, Muddy Water, Fast Flowing River, Trout River, etc, etc
That’s how Japan names most of its places as well. Sometimes they’re even less creative and start calling things 5th Gate City, or River 10.
And they don’t even name their residential roads, so addresses can get long (I think Korea also does this). When you write an address you have to write all the info from the biggest area and gradually narrowing: prefecture, city, ward, neighborhood
Well that’s a problem for future us.
Present us can poke fun, have a laugh, and maybe even turn it into an Abbott and Costello joke.
lol … I love Abbot and Costello … I watched a lot of the reruns as a kid in the 80s to know who they are. And I definitely remember this classic.
It made me think more about those Native named placenames … I remember one dad told me a long time ago was ‘Ptarmigan guts creek’ (it sounds weird and funny in Ojibway) … another was ‘Having Sex’ or ‘Fucking’ Rapids … for the longest time, I thought these places were a joke and didn’t exist. When I repeated them to many other people, they confirmed that this is what they were called.