Even I don’t care what Fox News has to say
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
Even I don’t care what Fox News has to say
Let’s beat millions of ‘poor’ / ‘semi-poor’ / ‘going to be poor’ people and drive them to near death = good economics
Let’s beat a few billionaires and millionaires = unacceptable chaos that would destabilize the world
Doctor that slapped the baby’s butt at birth gets charged with assaulting a police officer
I wonder what crisis they’re going to create to distract, dismiss or deny that this is happening
If you make random insane meaningless connections to things that don’t exist and call them your reality and believe in them absolutely … you are called insane.
If you make random insane meaningless connections to things that don’t exist from a Christian Bible (or any other religious texts) and call them your reality and believe in them absolutely … you are called religious.
Everyone always like to attack the welfare bum or the person trying to cheat a few hundred bucks out of the system
No one ever wants to talk about the millionaires and billionaires that pay little to no tax but want to have all their businesses subsidized and supported by the for free … millions of dollars at a time … when these wealthy idiots don’t need the money. The greatest twist to it all is that these wealthy morons are the same people that will argue that capitalism only works for the strongest, smartest and best individuals and companies … if you are so good and great, you don’t need government help or handouts to support your fantastic business.
At this point I don’t blame political parties or even individual politicians … I blame the American people who just keep putting up with this bullshit, justifying it all, half saying they are for it while the other half does nothing … and all of them saying its someone else’s fault.
America is generally just a nation of morons with nuclear weapons at this point.
The trade war wasn’t against Canada or Mexico or the world … it was directly against the American people and according to the belligerent, the American government is winning.
This is just the other half of the one party state
The biggest issue that no one ever wants to talk about is …
… it’s isn’t about the QUANTITY of life
… it’s about the QUALITY of life.
If people are able to have a comfortable, stable and prosperous life, with plenty of their own free time to enjoy without worrying about losing everything then they’ll make time and an effort to have a family and children.
If all our wealthy overlords ever want to do is squeeze every penny out of us all the time, then people will be less likely to want to have children.
The greatest thing that social media ever did for humanity was in its ability to allow all of us to talk to each other in an open platform.
Those private corporate platforms have slowly been eroded and controlled to only waste our time and designed to keep us all angry, afraid, anxious and confused.
Open decentralized social media is bringing us back to that era 20 years ago when social media was just starting and people just talked and openly discussed the issues of the day with one another. It doesn’t matter what kind of platform we have or can create, as long as it is decentralized and controlled by people, everyone will always find value in it because it allows us to talk to one another. The greatest thing I’ve ever found in taking part in the fediverse was in connecting to like minded people who want to talk about the important issues of the day without all the distractions of advertising and without having having to give up my privacy or security and have my identity sold to the highest bidder.
Reddit is no longer a safe place for free speech, it is compromised.
I think that happened a long time ago
Publically owned or controlled (or at least majority owned and controlled) news services in major countries
CBC - in Canada (where I’m from)
PBS - in the US
NPR - in the US
ABC - Australia
BBC - in the UK
France 24 - in France
NHK - in Japan
DW - in Germany
Although there are criticisms for each, at the very least, they give a good guidance to relevant straight forward news without too much spin.
I have peed
You will pee
We must not acknowledge one another
A jungle rule as old as humanity