The Funkwhale music platform is alive and in active development, and they’re working on a feature to filter far-right artists off the network. Some Fediverse self-hosters are divided on letting a third party decide what should be allowed in their library.
Sounds like a fantastic plan.
The handwringing about if we’re being nice enough to the alt right is directly contributing to why we have so much mess we’re now having to deal with. The approach seems sane to find music that’s very specifically nazi rock, so they’re being extremely limited in response, imo.
Screw em, kick them out of anywhere you find them, and then nail the door they used to get in shut.
Hard disagree. Just like when people in the fediverse tried to block using certain words across the entire medium, this is going to cause more harm than good to appease people who can’t think for themselves.
I swear, the brow-beating crowd really has had free reign these past few years. It’s time to rein them back in and watch them kick and scream like the tantrum-throwing children they really are.
Root them out of all their little hidey hidey holes
The intent sounds fine, but as points out, it offloads the actual responsibility of filtering on MusicBrainz and WikiData.
It’s not hard to imagine MusicBrainz being flooded by users trying to circumvent bans by editing tags. Or incorrectly tagging bands they don’t like or agree with to get them banned.
Funkwhale probably isn’t big enough in itself to make a huge splash, but this proposed ban does add another target to the extreme right’s hit list. It seems a little iffy to me to make an open project like MusicBrainz that target?
While that is funny and certainly deserved. Normally I would say that its not their place to decide that but fuck right wingers they deserve to be purged out of every single space they have.
I’m a bit torn on the idea, myself. On one hand, fuck fascists, don’t let ‘em have an inch. But on the other hand, this does kinda take away a users’ freedoms with the software.
Honestly, I think it’s fine if it’s a plugin or something that you can install at your own discretion or something. Or if it’s baked-in, it should be an opt-in setting. I’m of the opinion that the actual software, itself, should be apolitical. It’s something I can respect the Lemmy devs for, after all; even though I disagree with their politics, the actual Lemmy code is politically agnostic, and I think that’s for the best.
Horrible idea. Let people share what they want and give the means for individuals to hide content they don’t want to see.
We shouldn’t be deciding for other people what they are allowed to see.
The next generation of internet users should really look into the Streisand Effect. You’re only going to drive more people away from your cause when you try to control what they get to say and what they’re allowed to see.
I’m already abandoning the left as quickly as possible because I’m sick of yall’s censorship and propaganda tactics; this is just another one of them.
For me it’s independent or bust. You can thank all the brow-beaters, tantrum-throwers, useful idiots, and mod-abusers for why I’m no longer loyal to their side. These kids need to grow up if they want more adults to take them seriously.
What exactly is funkwhale? It looks like a federated music platform of some sort?
It’s basically an open source, federated clone of GrooveShark, which was kind of like Plex but just for music.