Well. Darn…
{note added: Prior clones seen as traitors and or mutants. potentially also communists. Do not trust any fellow troubleshooters, you are seen as disposable.]
Well. Darn…
{note added: Prior clones seen as traitors and or mutants. potentially also communists. Do not trust any fellow troubleshooters, you are seen as disposable.]
Intentionally infecting black airmen with syphillus and giving them placibos instead of treatments so they could track long term effects.
As an example.
Shit, I’m the fifth clone in the batch.
Wha’d the four before me do?
I am disabled and unable to drive thus holding a proper job is difficult.
i’ve been on an effective island with ‘visits’ to ‘the outside’ on rare occasions and largely when picking up things from lowes or family functions.
What you ask is not a hypothetical for me.
‘Add a few zeroes and I make it all go away. … For now.’
Welp. That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Of the class action variety.
Welcome to what capitulating to fascism gets you.
As a Christian. I’ve always hated faith based programming. It paints this idea of God as this magic lamp that if you say the right hting or make the right offerings you get what you want, and that’s the BEST CASE for faith based programming. most of it is money begging prosperity gospel bullshit.
Go find Highway to Heaven.
Better yet. Here it is all of it.
Set aside the Christian messaging. It’s a show of tolernace and hope and people helping each other. Hell, it has a LITERAL ANGEL FROM GOD… discouraging a christian based school from excluding other faiths from their teaching.
Steve Shives (an avowed athiest) praising Highway to Heaven:
This show would not be allowed to made today. It would get protested and condemned as ‘too woke.’
It was one of the things I watched growing up and I still see it as having value in showing what it truly means to be christian.
And more importantly? It’s two dudes going 'round the country helping people. Not by big miracles (usually,) but by giving people the tools to do things without leaning on God
What the left needs is a fucking spine.
I am. I have the following card to give them.
I agree. Musk has been attacking twitter’s infrastructure and employees since the purchase.
I’m glad Kevin Rose is back on board. However AI Moderation concerns me. Greatly.
Well, it could be a flamethrower wit ha novelty zippo style casing, but if it’s simply an upscaled zippo it’s going to lack the pressure feed mechanism a flamethrower has to cause the fuel to ‘throw’ out and instead would just be a fairly sizeable flame at the opening.
You raise a fair point in it being an attention grabber. I took the prompt as ‘what could you introduce in day to day normal usage to the point it is ‘normal’ useage rather than seen as exceptional.’
For pretty much the reason you stated. So that it isn’t attention grabbing and NB persons aren’t going ‘LOOK AT MEEE! SEE! I AM DIFFERENT!’
Though you also bring a point that it still sounds quasi gendered. I’ll differ to someone who’s actually NB on the matter since … well yea.
‘Flaired users only’ Require mod review for flairs.
My stance, as the one cis/het guy in my chosen peer group, is this:
Put everyone on even footing at base. No lynchings, no treating this or that group as inherently sexual or evil or whatever.
Once we have established that baseline. Go back to fifties era taxation for the wealthy.
Point Two should help with point one by way of focusing our rage at the people who have been gleefully pitting us at each other while they siphon money from us.
Zhir. It’s a word that exists but I want it to be more popularized and normalized for the sake of non-binary folk having something other than They/Them. This is both because i feel that NB persons need more representation, and as a matter of selfishness. I want more options when writing non-gendered folk (Ever try writing a book of mostly non-gendered robots? I did. I’m just glad the English language doesn’t assume gendering like french or spanish.)
Cue a vocal subsection of the population whining and throwing a hissy fit over it.