This answerwas just so good. How did you even come up with this?
This answerwas just so good. How did you even come up with this?
All of you will suffer, but it is your necessary sacrifice thru which I may delight
You thought he was gonna miss this party?
I just don’t nazi it…
I only know or these from Urbz: sims in the city
And the corporate dems are the arm of the aristocracy and oligarchy
Does he have to take immunosuppressants so his “body” doesnt reject them?
She’s gotta be crazy in the sack. If I were into hate fucking she would ideal
Musk doesnt hav real hair
Anybody fucking with Zelensky is humiliating only themselves and their idiotologies. Fuck Putty and fuck these Russophiles
What do you think can?
Root them out of all their little hidey hidey holes
Nacho keys… Nacho money Nacho mom
I really hope these people can be shown that voting R will always lead to this. They shouldn’t need personal loss to understand safety and children’s laws are written in blood and that no place is going to make their child respect and behave better unless its literally just fear of being sent back to a terrible place and being retraumatized all over again.
Hell, even reading Holes at the time was traumatic enough
They are fully willing to take completely unproven “Orange man good” recommended alternatives like bleach and horse dewormer. A good deal of them are chronic smokers as well. They don’t give a shit about nor any recognition of poisons, there’s something far stupider going on