I am in a temporary one-year position (not in the tech field) hired directly by the company so no recruiter involved. At three months in I asked about how I could transition to full time (my manager previously mentioned he was pleased with my performance and was impressed how quickly I was able to ramp up). The response I received from my manager was that I would have to wait until closer to the end of my one-year contract when a “headcount” would be completed. My manager also asked if I was looking for another position (I said No) and to inform him if and when I do.
I took that as a sign that I should start looking, but I’m now wondering how I should communicate my reason for looking for a new position during interviews with a potential employer. What would be the professional manner of answering such a question?
“I’m in a contract position, and hoping to find something long-term with the potential for upward mobility.”
The truth. Your current contract is only temporary.
Funny, this is also how I see literally every position I’ve had. Full time or not
Hi, I’m a hiring manager so I do interviews and make decisions on new personnel. As others have said, simply tell the truth that your current position is temp and you are looking for a permanent one. As a hiring manager hearing that from an interviewee, I wouldn’t bat an eye.
You don’t need to give details on when the temp position ends, but they should want to know when you would be available for the new position.
Finally, I don’t think the answer you got is a sign to look for another job, that looks like a pretty standard non-committal answer for “wait and see”. It doesn’t raise any red flags.
Isn’t anything non-committal from your source of income a red flag?
Really depends on the situation though. Where I work there are many temp jobs that are often extended for a long time after their end date until the bosses are finally able to swing it with the permanent position. It sucks but (in my work situation) it usually means the bosses really want to keep you around and are trying their best with the budget. It’s easier to get a temp assignment approved than a permanent role.
I think so, but it was a temporary position when it was accepted, so it always had an expiration date
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I thought it was a standard wait and see answer but want to play it safe and look for something so I don’t get caught without a job in between.
Always a good idea with temp jobs.
Reasons that are fine to mention: Last job was temporary, I was made redundant.
Reasons that aren’t fine to mention: I quit due to overwhelming stress, I was fired for capability/gross misconduct reasons (unless it was an unfair dismissal which you successfully challenged in court and have the documentation to back it up.)
I wouldn’t mention that you sued your last job.
Again, depends on why. If there’s documented evidence that you were fired for say… refusing to ignore safety laws.
The truth is fine, no reason to exaggerate or fib. Last job was temporary and now looking for another opportunity.
“Looking for a new opportunity”, “want to challenge myself more”, “looking for something that aligns better with my interests” etc. Those are some of the usual lines you give in corporate America when you want out.
But in your case, you could just tell the truth. That you’re in a temp position and you’re looking for something permanent. That’s a perfectly valid reason for interviewing.
As a hiring manager, I hear “my position is a one year contract” fairly regularly. It tells me a couple things:
- This person is talent I wouldn’t have access to if not for the expiring contract.
- There’s a solid chance that the current employer gets off their ass and makes a permanent offer when they realize I’ve made an offer.
Honestly, neither is a negative, to me.
- Regarding 1, I do like when I get a shot at talent that wouldn’t normally be on the market. I have a track record of successfully recruiting and retaining those folks.
- Regarding 2, Knowing there’s a chance their current employer will counter-offer is pretty normal for the talent I hire. I already account for that when making my job offers.
So overall, as others have said, I would just tell the truth about this. Everyone has a right to look out for their job security.
Depending on your PoV number two sounds like a win-win. You either get an employee you want, or you at least know that you were able to help someone obtain an actual job/offer. That’s pretty cool actually.
Agreed. And either way, they remember me fondly later when they’re ready for their next job switch…
“Current company lacks willingness to a long term commitment to employment”