TL;DR: The CyberTruck is 17 times more likely to have a fire fatality than a Ford Pinto
No problem. steal $400 million from the taxpayers, clear the inventory - problem solved.
How much of that is down to the electronic door locks keeping people from escaping?
New existential fear unlocked!
Thanks, dude.
And the Pinto is actually cool looking.
Never forget that Chrysler did the exact same thing with the Grand Cherokee that resulted in deaths and never faced accountability.
The cool thing is when you set records. Being the most anything is awesome.
It’s sarcasm, leave me alone.
For those who don’t know about the Pinto:
In 1978, Ford recalled 1.5 million Pintos because the fuel tank was prone to rupturing in rear-end collisions at speeds of 20 mph or higher. This was the largest recall in automotive history at the time.
To be more specific, the fuel tank was placed between the rear bumper and rear differential. In a rear end collision, the tank would get sandwiched by the bumper and differential, which had bolts protruding out the back and would pierce the tank, spilling fuel onto the road.
Additionally, rear end collisions would bend the frame in a way that jammed the doors so you couldnt get out.
They figured that people would die and their cost benefit analysis assumed a certain number of deaths and lawsuits. The resulting recall and larger than expected number of deaths and lawsuits made it a huge loss for them.
Wherever I’m going, I’ll be there to apply the formula. I’ll keep the secret intact.
It’s simple arithmetic.
It’s a story problem.
If a new car built by my company leaves Chicago traveling west at 60 miles per hour, and the rear differential locks up, and the car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside, does my company initiate a recall?
You take the population of vehicles in the field (A) and multiple it by the probable rate of failure (B), then multiply the result by the average cost of an out-of-court settlement ©.
A times B times C equals X. This is what it will cost if we don’t initiate a recall.
If X is greater than the cost of a recall, we recall the cars and no one gets hurt.
If X is less than the cost of a recall, then we don’t recall.Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
That design is even worse than I realized. It’s fucked that didn’t put them out of business honestly
I didn’t have Ford Pinto vs Cybertruck on my Battle of Vehicles bingo card.
Okay but I kinda need to know what is on that card set
VW Vanbus stronk.
Reading this I heard a pakled
All caps doesn’t make your post more interesting. Just annoying.
The title of the article is in all caps. I copied and pasted it into the post field.
My childhood car was a Pinto. I was very grateful it never blew up when I read about the issues many years later.
The majority of them had a recall to fix the lack of armor on the gas tank.
Wasn’t that just some PVC pannels zip-tied behind the tank?
it fixed the problem
Most of them had some rust issues and it was easy to replace the tank with a much better one anyways
I knew a girl in highschool who had one. Her dad had customized the shit out of it… put a V8 in the hatchback trunk … that think was a fucking rocket