Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Oh no, better double down on the cuntishness, fire all the workers and give ourselves an enormous bonus!
Were you not entertained?
Or save yourself the time and effort and just set fire to your house.
Those Temu/Wish.com batteries are the whole reason we have regulations.
Well you can make your own, but mind you don’t get Fred Hampton’d.
And that is why I went to Firefox once Google announced this bullshit.
Swapping is pretty painless. It even brings over all your passwords and stuff these days. Best get to swapping before Google disable that as well. They’d just love to keep you hostage.
Wow. Musk pays millions to get Trump elected.
Trump offers to buy a single Tesla in response. Which he won’t do anyway, because he’s too cheap to pay for anything, so he’ll get given it for free and won’t drive it because he’s not allowed. He’s driven everywhere in The Beast which weighs about 10 tonnes.
Sort of but not really.
They aren’t really “the US economy”. Most of those corporations live outside the bounds of nations. They just have their HQ in the US. Manufacturing etc is done wherever is cheapest, and now they’re finding out that they might have to pay real wages and real money to make things in the US.
The losses per person are lower because people from all over the world have investments in those stocks. It’s been overvalued for a while and still is.
Americans will still end up poorer though, because even if they move the manufacturing, they’ll no longer be able to buy things at Chinese poverty wages.
Amazon bundle stuff from multiple sellers in the same location. They have no idea which of their third party sellers did it, and indeed could even be that a customer returned it for a full refund.
This has been an issue with Amazon for years.
They get stock from any third party sellers, stick it all together in the same place in the warehouse, then ship them out regardless of where they got them and which seller you bought from.
Honestly, they probably didn’t even need to spend money on the sticker or old CPU. They could have shipped boxes of sand for all the checking Amazon do. There’s absolutely no incentive for them to do so. They’ll never be held to account for all the fake shit they sell.
Still is. No idea how people are taking that as toxic.
In WoW I was told to kill myself for picking a flower.
Well, only their free speech.
Your blasphemous thoughts should be banned, obviously.
I think this is because WB used cheaper manufacturing and now they’re failing way before they should.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
u wot m8?
We’ve got Greggs Sausage Rolls.
All you’ve got is pasta and tomato sauce for every meal, and think different shaped pasta makes it a different dish!
That’s like thinking beans on toast is different if you put it on different shaped bread.
Do they even still make those? Probably stopped that before they stopped doing CRT…
I’ve had my OLED since 2017. I use it for gaming. It’s perfectly fine still.
Projector bulbs ain’t cheap either. And the overall picture quality will still be crap despite the contrast.
Unless you have an OLED TV.
I’d put 3 above 4 tbh.
It should probably still have ended after the first one. Or at least been called something different.