Isn’t step one or two to implement arbitrary tariffs to fund the reserve?
Isn’t step one or two to implement arbitrary tariffs to fund the reserve?
Well two thirds or more of their portfolio should be in bond markets if they are close to retirement.
I actually think I know how he plans on “legally” stealing the money for himself too.
Remember that sovereign wealth fund? I would bet dollars to donuts that he is going to funnel the tariff money into that. Then he uses that money to buy crypto, which pumps up the whole market including his coin. Then they sell off some of there crypto assets, rinse and repeat.
NATO is more than the US
The bougie ones have glass… That might be what they are referring to.
I do a lot of hiking and most often it’s plastic. Weirdly you find the glass covered ones in usually boring trails in small towns that seem very rarely traveled. I have even seem some that are just cork board, with nothing covering it. The pages are either lamented, or less desirably slipped into a 3 ring binder type sleeve and stapled.
I thought the people doing the insurrecting were supposed to be Antifa, why would Trump pardon them?
Every Rite Aid became a wallgreens near me. We have 3 options (if you include Costco) soon to be twi options.
Why? Then the only option will be CVS and they suck hardest of all.
I thought it was going to be one of these
Even the new one with the MAGA chick that he ghosted at first?
Seems to still work based off offspring occurrences
There is going to be a whole mess of UCC ratifications from all this. I would hate to be a CO right now dealing with all that paperwork.
Fine… I will say it.
I really don’t think we ought to trust this Trump fellow anymore, he doesn’t seem to be on the up and up.
Wasn’t that just some PVC pannels zip-tied behind the tank?
The proof of concept was done with Hydrocodone synthesis. It seems like they have the ability to tweak the yeast to complete complex synthesis to end product. I would bet Hydromorphone would be possible.
It’s possible to bioengineer yeast to turn sugar into morphine.
If I were them I would just re barrel it and sell it as like a 15 year aged Bourbon a decade later or so.