Chuck must be on the Epstein list.
And to think, harris was content with dick cheney.
All of this is a massive joke. Nothing the Dems or Reps are doing is what the people want.
So although passing this budget was obviously terrible, how is it worse than no budget at all? No budget followed by a government shutdown would be the ideal case for Trump and Elon to take yet more power from Congress. The Democrats aren’t in any good position of power right now so expecting the budget to include any of their priorities is unrealistic.
“Needing 8 Democrats to pass the budget” is what you call “a position of power”. Democrats piss every bit of power away for nothing, then we’re still swamped with idiots online going “what do you expect them to do?”
When Republicans need Democratic votes to pass something, that means Democrats should get something in return. When Dems are in power, they water down legislation and say they need to do that to court Republicans who still don’t vote for the bill. When Dems are in the minority, they vote with Republicans and complain about not being able to do anything.
Most MAGA Republicans would rather a shutdown than giving in to Democratic points. The alternative wasn’t Democrats getting one or two of their points in the budget in exchange for it passing, the alternative was a government shutdown.
I fully agree that when the Democrats have power they do absolutely nothing with it, but in this case I fail to see how they could have gotten any of their points in.
How is giving him congressional approval going to help? The Doomers keep obeying in advance. Try fighting for something.
The alternative isn’t “keeping the government operating”. Its letting the Republicans know that they can shutdown anything they want while the Democrats do nothing.
Because removing requirements to spend money the way congress intends is to forgo your power of the purse and this is the only thing a republican majority needs them for. Schumer is literally greenlighting the coming holocaust piggy bank all because his donors gave him a call. Disgusting fucking greedy loser.
Read the details of the agreement, this allows funds to be pulled from other projects for whatever Trump wants. 350 billion for ICE? Why not. Thanks Chuck, I’m sure the American Holocaust will take longer to get to the Jews than the last one. There was also the claim that Government employees don’t want to be folurloughed but a majority were okay if it mean congress made it harder to fire them.
Thank you for clarifying that this removes the requirement to spend the money where it was allocated. This answers my question and could indeed be worse than a shutdown.
Sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re doing the right thing. But if Trump praises you for it, you can be assured it’s not.
Spineless little worm
Duplicitous old fart"-qoute from a 3rd rock character
I was thinking I need a tampermonkey script to permanently rename him something along the lines of Chucklefuck Clownshoeman.
Still workshoping the name.
Cuck Schumer
I think now is as good a time as any to remember that despite Chuck’s poor decisions, this is a republican bill written by the GOP and passed with every Republican in tow and a very small number of DNC (if it can even pass with Chuck’s blessings at all).
This problem exists because of the Republicans. Screw Chuck, for sure, but Fuck those Republican traitors.
The question is, why is one of those Republicans the Democratic leader in the Senate?
No matter how many continue resolutions Schumer votes for, Schumer will never be as bad as the best Republican.
Front or back, getting stabbed is getting stabbed.
You get stabbed by every single Republican every time and the Republicans initiate the stabbing resolutions. Blame Republicans.
The elected Republicans are largely doing what they said they’d do to get elected, whether or not they’re good people or support good policy, they’re representing what their constituents voted for.
It doesn’t matter if every R is worse, an R wouldn’t have Chucklefuck’s seat, which is why he needs to be primaried out next time, and we hope whoever does that can faithfully represent the will of the people who elected them.
The 10 Dems that supported this fiasco are not representing their constituents and those constituents have no recourse under the law to fix that other than just waiting to hopefully not get tricked next time. Traitors deserve all the ire they get.
I guarantee you the vast majority if not every Republican legislator in congress is reneging on promises not to cut Medicaid which they made on the campaign trails. Schumer likely never promised to defund the federal government if Republicans took majorities.
I guarantee you the vast majority if not every Republican legislator in congress is reneging on promises not to cut Medicaid which they made on the campaign trails.
Can’t wait to see which democrats vote for cloture then.
The donors call and Schumer comes running. He IS a Republican. Every once in a while he gets scared of a progressive challenger and makes pretty noises, but he’s a prime example of Democrats as controlled opposition. He resists to exactly the degree that his handlers want him to resist.
Schumer will never be as bad as the best Republican.
But dammit, he’s trying.
I have a different view. he had two bad choices available and he chose the worse one.
he and the establishment Dems (hehem, Biden) as well as turncoats like Lieberman/Sinema/Machin/Fetterman who were inexplicably allowed to caucus with the party) are precisely why we’re here today watching the rise of fascism and oligarchy. from failing to seat a supreme court justice under Obama, sabotaging Bernie (twice), fielding awful presidential candidate after candidate, allowing the military to expand endlessly, not codifying Roe (and doing nothing in response to it’s overturning), to censoring Al Motherfucking Green…
the entire “opposition party” looks weak and disorganized and incapable of fighting every time a crisis arises. the party needs more progressive leadership and they need to realize that sometimes it’s appropriate to break a few rules and take risks on big power plays. and forward popular plans that will actually energize the base.
these ‘play it safe’ supposedly harm reducing tactics are why we’re here today. they had 8 years since 2016 to come up with ways to combat trumpism and the best they could do, after flopping on the election and then peacefully handing over power to a sociopath and a nazi billionaire - was… write an op ed in the New York Times.
I’m done with this group of shit heads. there are better senators who should be in charge. we need people getting mad and breaking shit, not another patronizing speech about having patience until the next midterm.
Patience for midterms? God no, we need to be supporting the DNC starting yesterday. There is no waiting for Midterms, we need to be contacting representatives, holding up signs, attending rallies, deep canvasing today.
we need to be supporting the DNC starting yesterday.
“We don’t need to defund the cops! No! Fund them!” -Said by Biden right before Uvalde.
Same fucking vibe as what you just posted. Gross.
You’ve got 2 options. The choice is very very very clear if you actually care about any of the policies you claim to.
sorry but I think you’re dead wrong. also, we have more than 2 options. we can choose to support the progressives who the DNC has been actively suppressing. that’s a different conversation though.
supporting the DNC only happens when they start supporting The People. I’m old enough to have personally observed just how the national Democratic party operates and how corrupt, ineffectual, and apathetic they are when regular working class Americans need lasting structural changes. all the programs and progress they made has been undone with a half dozen supreme court nominations and a wave of a pen executive order.
they don’t take adequate action and don’t break rules to achieve goals, because they fundamentally misunderstand that sometimes obeying the rules (even in a democracy) is morally wrong. in a society rapidly spiraling towards fascism, they fail to recognize that “trust the system” actually means “just follow orders” and that’s a very bad very dangerous thing.
it’s not a group worthy of my support, not until they do better.
relevant links if you’re at all interested in understanding my perspective better (or just follow my comments):
The Alt Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low (InnuendoStudios, YouTube)
The Rules Serve Us, We Do Not Serve Them (Parkrose Permaculture, YouTube)
Lmao, a whole digit percentage of people picked option 3 last time and got option 1, the worst option as a result.
If you want reform then vote blue no matter who. It is the only way out of this mess.
There actually are ‘vote blue no matter who’ people? How’s ol’ Chucky Schumer workin’ out? Or Fetterman? Pelosi gonna come riding in on first light of the fifth day with the Rohirrim in tow? Jesus, this is just fucking sad. 40+ years of the Dems just idly allowing the repubs to shit all over everything, and your solution is to support them harder?
What’s the color of the sky where you live? Are they accepting American refugees?
Republican in tow and a very small number of DNC
Always just enough.
I couldn’t say if this guy is going to have a sixth term after this, but he’d be wise to start looking at retirement options. I didn’t think New York will forget this come 2028.
The same New York that has New York City that voted that conservative cop that takes international bribe, Eric Adams into office?
He needs to be censured. This is blatant betrayal of his voters.
Cuck Schumer
Suck a dick, Chuck.