I can’t! Tempus is fugiting!
I can’t! Tempus is fugiting!
I’d guess yes. And Trump is apparently fine with allowing them to continue.
My dad proudly declared that even maga hates Teslas, and this won’t help at all. His sister called about two hours later and said she thinks she’d like to buy a Tesla…
It’s not though.
Elon even said if there was a conflict of interest, he’d decide whether to step back or not. Since he’s there and involved, it’s pretty obvious there’s no conflict! Logic.
“Right now”…? Haven’t been paying attention since 2015? Or 2001? Or 1980…?!
If they don’t want to starve, there’s plenty of coal to mine…
RFKJr: “kids don’t need measles vaccines, a well rounded meal is all it takes!”
Trump: “really? Let’s just take all that food away, then.”
Leash is coming out of the Kremlin.
Also fun fact: I’ve been pulling made up statistics (also without any corroborating numbers) out of my butt since the last ice age!
Musk isn’t independently going out and cutting things.
It’s weird seeing this complete and utter bullshit being unironically spewed still. It wasn’t Trump that cut the air traffic controllers, or nuclear watchdogs, or infections disease investigators. It was Musk, and spreading this propaganda just helps protect Trump from allowing it.
“Think how stupid your average American person is, and then realize half the population is dumber than that.”
“Nobody’s done as much for the blacks.”
They have. Just not as publicly as all this implies.
Switch that to the wicker man, and I’m listening…
On the contrary, Obama was an intelligent, well-spoken black (shudder) person that wore tan once. It’s obviously his fault.
I was about to correct you and tell you the Evil Council was French, but that’s Kung Pow, not Kung Furry, and I’m a dumb.
Please don’t.
I’m beginning to think that Lincoln guy really fucked us badly. All he had to do was concede a little to the South, and all would be well. He didn’t have the cards.
Apparently not anymore.