But I still have so much to learn from you!
But I still have so much to learn from you!
Gosh, I ignorantly thought the primary was where the delegates get chosen (based on a candidate they agree to choose at the convention), not the process of delegates selecting the candidate. I honestly had no idea that there was a published definition that would set me straight. Can you point me in that direction?
Still, I don’t see the relevance since a primary that doesn’t give citizens the opportunity to express support for a candidate can’t tell us anything about support for that candidate. How we define “primary” really doesn’t come into it.
Is this supposed to somehow further the discussion? Are you even trying to be coherent, or are you just grasping at whatever snark you can come up with?
The whole reason we are discussing primaries is that you (incorrectly) believe they indicate electability in the general. How exactly does a primary where the citizens didn’t get to vote for the “winning” candidate do that? Not very well apparently.
Sure buddy, call that a primary if you want. I’m not trying to convince you of anything. Believe what you want, and don’t worry that you’re not respected for it.
Now that was definitely not a primary, not even a checking the box primary. That was a coronation, and the very event I asked if you opposed.
Anyways, it’s absolutely clear to anyone seeing this that you’re just a hack and not a serious person. I knew from the onset that was the best to be achieved.
I believe it was you who was talking about primaries, of which I pointed out that Harris never won any - even the one I “don’t like”. She participated in exactly one primary and had her ass handed to her.
Your argument was that Bernie obviously can’t win a general because he couldn’t win a primary. Do you, or do you not, apply that same logic to Harris, and did you oppose her nomination in 2024? Your argument is ridiculous in either case, but you could at least apply it consistently.
I refuse to acknowledge a primary that I’ll bet 90% of the country didn’t know happened. They checked the box, but it was an irrelevant exercise.
Bernie couldn’t even a primary but there’s a whole delusional section of the population who think he had a chance to be president.
You mean like Harris? Bernie, and everyone else, blew her out of the water in 2020. Maybe the Democratic establishment should have been taking your advice.
The well has also been poisoned against fascism, Russia, “coastal elites”, and rapists/pedophiles. Trump still won. Maybe you’ve lost the plot somewhere.
There is no indication that Trump thought he could “wipe the floor” with Bernie. In fact, it was likely the opposite. The polling certainly didn’t agree, for whatever that’s worth. Even if he did think that, there is no indication that he would have been right. It’s funny how Trump is an evil genius when the Democrats want him to be that, and a raging moron when they want that.
Once Bernie was put up against Trump rhetorically, Bernie’s lead would have grown substantially. Bernie talks to a huge segment of America that most Democrats talk past. Most Democrats don’t even get heard because they have nothing worthwhile to say.
It’s not really all that different in America. We did a kinda informal merger between organized crime, local government, and big capital. Now we’ve merged in the federal government as well.
It’s astounding how thoroughly the Democrats have convinced you that absolutely nothing is ever their fault. They are just fellow victims of a declining society that they had absolutely no hand in creating. Unbelievable.
It wasn’t just the establishment issuing warnings. The left has been telling the Democratic establishment for decades that they were leading us here, even before we knew his name would be Trump. Neoliberals disregarded the flashing danger signs over and over again.
Where we are now isn’t because of a single election. Do you think the Democrats were going to win every election forever? Do you think the Republicans were going to get any nicer? This war has been raging for over 50 years and you’re obsessing over one battle. Kamala and the rest of the establishment earned this outcome.
“Not all the wealthy.” -Luigi
When is Harris’ anti-oligarchy rally? Obama’s? LOL, Pelosi’s? Why the fuck does this one guy who should be retiring on a beach somewhere have to keep dragging the entire Democratic party? I love Bernie, but it’s beyond pathetic that after all these years it’s still his job.
Bias always exists for any non-trivial topic, but there is also a gradient from less biased to more biased. Using “unbiased” is something some people do to mask our autism. Your point is correct but utterly worthless. It’s also an excuse that many weak minded people use for failing to rise above our post-truth culture.
You are confusing “unbiased” and “neutral”. If one party is telling nothing but lies and the other party is telling only the truth, a neutral news source will tell you all about the ensuring drama, what the polls say, and how it might impact the next election. What they won’t tell you is who is lying and who is telling the truth. Most mainstream news coverage is neutral and that’s a big part of how most Americans are ignorant and misinformed.
Unbiased reporting actually cares about the truth and will report it even if that means taking sides in the political debate. Unbiased reporting is very leftist friendly because most leftists care very much about representing reality in their opinions.
And yet, Republicans have been steadily making gains with the working class. With this past election they are now the dominant party for working class voters. It comes down to two things. American voters are deeply ignorant and the Democratic party is pathetically weak and out of touch.
For every dollar spent on IRS audits for middle America, they get about a dollar back in recovered revenue. For every dollar spent on auditing wealthy Americans, they get about twelve dollars back in recovered revenue. I don’t think these cuts are intended to help balance the budget.
Not for most of us. Auditing average Americans is damn close to 100% automated. It’s the rich fuckers and corporations that take time and effort to audit.
Based on what though? Stock market valuations have gotten so insane as to be almost meaningless. It’s a giant ponzi scheme.