Idk about anyone else, but my struggles to even just execute the command to shut off a timer/alarm…
Idk about anyone else, but my struggles to even just execute the command to shut off a timer/alarm…
It’s near Greenland?
Right, if you keep the water at the temp you want what you’re cooking in it, as heat transfers from the water to the food, you just heat the water a little more. Eventually, the food is entirely exactly the temp of the water, with no possibility of getting hotter, so the food can’t get overcooked even if it sits longer than necessary. Usually, you’ll quickly finish something after it’s done, like less than 1 min from sous vide to plate. It’s good when you have time to do the prep work but don’t have time just before the meal to do all the cooking, especially if you wanted to serve a lot of guests. Also, if someone likes food cooked to a certain doneness but is bad at judging it.
The only 100% effective method I’ve found is pulling the plug.