Fuck you stroke! Way to half-ass it.
Fuck you stroke! Way to half-ass it.
Even if they were broadcast TV does the FCC have a say here? Isn’t a broadcaster supposed to prioritize popular content that maximizes views and ad revenue? “DEI for thee, not DEI for me” it sounds like.
He’s trying to make Trump look weak if he fails to meet our end of the bargain. He knows it will happen, Trump is weak, and Trump will say something like, “Strength is looking your enemy in the eye while you suck his dick.”
Do it for the next 20 even. Getting Trump out of the Whitehouse is not the cure for our disease.
The oligarchs think Trump will net them even more wealth than they would have under the old system. Prove them wrong and they’ll turn on him.
Do Anthrax next! You’d be superhuman after surviving that one!
Eugenics on full display now.
If they stayed for the entire address they should be primaried. One of your own gets kicked out of the session and you sit there like you don’t even know him?
Income taxes are relative to your own income. Tariffs don’t give a shit about your income or your ability to pay them.
People keep coming up with new ways to keep their Teslas but I’m not buying any of it. I can’t tell a 3yo Tesla from brand new. The second he started spewing Nazi propaganda on X you should’ve sold yours. Don’t act like this is all coming out of the blue.
SpaceX is trying to buy a town as we speak. Maybe not “buy” in the traditional sense but I’m sure money, or promises of money, will tilt this in their favor.
Nobody is getting rich off of school food service.
Thanks for your insight but I wasn’t implying food service is profitable. I was trying to say money gets diverted elsewhere because it’s so limited in its profit. American dollars chase profit above all else, even to the detriment of society as a whole.
Sunshine on Linux? Yup, love it!
I’m kind of hoping that between MAGA bros buying Teslas to support Musk and leftists buying other EVs because it’s better for the environment we’ll effectively retire internal combustion engines.
Stay strong Canada. ✊
At this point I don’t think Trump really cares for RFK Jrs viewpoints, but he admires the hell out of his complete disconnect with reality.
I mean, like this. This is pretty much where our “prosperity” comes from. We require everyone to be responsible for even the most basic of needs and in return we get to have crazy profit margins that disproportionately benefit the people that would still be embarrassingly rich if they paid for every kid to get a free school lunch.
Trans people exist.
GOP: We need to save the children from woke brainwashing!
Children go hungry during school.
GOP: Have you tried getting a job you little freeloaders?
“Illegal” is the new frustrating it seems.
I rarely use mine, but can I block them from using the Internet and they’ll still work?