Because the right HATES teachers unions and any public worker. Teachers are an easy mark because parents are panicky and reactionary about their kids. Makes it easy to rile them up and manipulate them to their ends. The strong teachers union is something the right despises.
Oklahoma is also doing that. My son who is a Sophomore has a teacher that barely 20, uncertified and dumb as rocks. Our kids stuck in public schools are fucked when it comes to education. We have to teach them ourselves.
It’s what they want. They want a two-tiered education system. They want poor people to be poorly educated and well off people to be well educated so that power remains with “the right” people. That and all education and basically any service to be privatized.
Because the right HATES teachers unions and any public worker. Teachers are an easy mark because parents are panicky and reactionary about their kids. Makes it easy to rile them up and manipulate them to their ends. The strong teachers union is something the right despises.
Oklahoma is also doing that. My son who is a Sophomore has a teacher that barely 20, uncertified and dumb as rocks. Our kids stuck in public schools are fucked when it comes to education. We have to teach them ourselves.
It’s what they want. They want a two-tiered education system. They want poor people to be poorly educated and well off people to be well educated so that power remains with “the right” people. That and all education and basically any service to be privatized.