At least they weren’t the first🤪
Can we please make it a rule that ai content should be labeled?
Words have no meaning with these types…
That was a loud ball drop from Google’s hands.
They want to blame others for their incompetence.
For crying out loud they’re not just targeting adblockers.
Join ! folks!
Refund that defect.
The world had peace for 30 minutes.
I wonder what the moon’s top level domain name would be?
Plants do not have a central nervous system to process pain and even if they did “feel pain” you’re still eating more of them by eating animal products…
Kagi is shaping up to be really cool with this and the Orion browser supporting firefox/chrome extensions on ios.
Everyone deserves more choices. We need European gpus now!
Agreed, I’m pretty content with my gtx 1660 and steam deck.
Discover is about to get ruined and have their call centres moved from the US to India.
How’s that republican support going for you Capitol One?
Wow it also supports Firefox and Chrome extensions on iPhone! That’s a killer feature!
Orion looks good as it does not collect any data. I don’t want Apple profiting from my safari usage.
The candidates wouldn’t act like at all with the single transferable vote proportional representation electoral system because then the blue voters can just vote the nearest party adjacent to their values.
Keep boycotting poor behaviour 😉