Accurately they are not allowed to drive. Why you think all president love golf carts. Secret service doesn’t allow them drive. One thing you give up when elected.
Accurately they are not allowed to drive. Why you think all president love golf carts. Secret service doesn’t allow them drive. One thing you give up when elected.
Start putting bullets in ICE agents. Time to rise up, but no we sit and do nothing.
Fucking issue with this ruling is its Fucking useless. We don’t even know where the guy is at this time, and most likely never will. There will be no consequences if Trump administration ignore this ruling. Hell guy most likely already in Gitmo and Trump not going give him back.
What Judge going do if they ignore his ruling?
Exactly shocked the fuck out of my brother a year ago when he saw me browsing a socialist gun sub reddit. He said in fear “socialist have guns?” I said fuck yeah we do. He thought only right wingers are armed.
He also freaked when that guy in Florida driving a toyota prius shot that fucking red neck that was harassing him.
We need to start arming ourselves and its past time to start putting bullets in ICE agents that come to remove citizens from their homes. How much are we going take? Does he literally need to start gasing the people he has locked up before we get off our ass and fight?
Or are we going go the route that Germany did in 1942?
Hell they already disappeared him. His fucking lawyer doesn’t know where he is at. He most likely already in Getmo and he isn’t coming back I’m afraid. Trump going show just how far he can get away with crimes. Hell at this rate we will get consonstration camps before June. Fucking wild how fast fascism is running rampant through our country and not a single politician is doing goddamm thing to stop it.
Oh okay so there wasn’t some ruling I miss allowing him to run third term? Thanks.
Oklahoma is also doing that. My son who is a Sophomore has a teacher that barely 20, uncertified and dumb as rocks. Our kids stuck in public schools are fucked when it comes to education. We have to teach them ourselves.
Even AOC sat quietly? Why wasn’t she fucking protesting?
I think what he wants is all our 401k by law having to invest in Telsa stock. I wouldn’t put it past him to lauch an EO demanding that.