I mean he is right, lost tried to side step when fans got close to figuring out what was going and fucked it up. Writers should just tell their story and you ether like it or you don’t.
I mean he is right, lost tried to side step when fans got close to figuring out what was going and fucked it up. Writers should just tell their story and you ether like it or you don’t.
Yeah tried to watch it this year. I had to turn it off, not becase it was a bad show but hit too close to home and it made my stomach turn.
Yeah I use debian + kde for decades. Debian will install your pick of DEs at install.
Debian it’s a rock solid base that can be updated automatically with minimal user oversight
Honestly people that do recognize it for what it is should respond. Keep them talking to waste their time so they can’t hurt someone else.
We live in the era of the Reckless and uninformed.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
Yeah that is his point he is trying to make at some point you just have to come to terms with that trust since you are right it’s not feasible to build your own hardware.
No worries , but i think I’m not being clear if you build it from scratch. how are you going you going to compile it ?
Your welcome but that’s the point he was making even if you build everything on your own. The backdoor would be in the compiler. So even if you built /bin/login for example he would just inject it at compile time when compiling your code. But then you asked I will just compile the compiler but you have to compile it at some point and he can inject the code back into the compiler at that point.
If you read this you will never trust anything again. If you aee not familiar with him that is Ken Thompson one of the father’s of Unix.
This is correct that’s why it always kills me when my fellow Americans identity as Irish or some other nationality then in the same breath be antiimmigration. I’m like you wouldn’t be here if not for immigration. Only valid antiimmigration people are native Americans. For all these shit they have been put through they get a pass.