16 hours agoI had no idea, yet I was correct: this IS hilarious!
I had no idea, yet I was correct: this IS hilarious!
Would be hilarious if they recalled them and superglued buttons over the touchscreen interface.
Why fix the actual socio-economic and political issues which lead to school shootings when you can pull a Big Brother with barely functional AI models!
I’m just hittin’em right outta the park, should’ve worked in Marketing!
“Go steal data on Mars” went straight into my soul archive!
Can’t wait for the day when I’ll be able to get a titanium pancreas!
My condolences…
She had me at “Meredith.” Everything else just solidifies my infatuation.
Sure! Why have AI assisted ambulances or firetrucks when you can slap an AI onto ICBM carriers!
I honestly don’t understand how these publishers don’t understand that foregoing their tumorous launchers and trackers would lead to a ridiculous amount of good publicity and a much-needed uptick in everyone’s perception of them…