Worse, they are migrating to Teams this weekend and didn’t inform you.
Ah, but that’s the beauty of employers that are wrapped up in M365: it is always Teams’ fault!
Even if it isn’t actually a problem with Teams, you can just blame it and not a single person will ever second guess you.
This reminds me of how much “fun” it was to write Blackberry apps back in the day. Whenever you compiled your app, not only did the entire app need to be signed by the RIM servers, each individual module of library code you incorporated into your app had to be signed, so the more shit you added the longer the process took (and signing a single app sometimes took 30-40 minutes or never happened at all because the signing servers were down). I remember once I needed to use the sin() trigonometry function, which forced me to incorporate one of the cryptography library modules, which in turn doubled the amount of time it would take to compile and sign my app - so I ended up writing my own custom sin() function for no good reason at all.
There was a whole website back then called isthesigningserverdown.com (long gone now) devoted to telling you whether the RIM servers were working or not. The only good part about this was that if I ever felt like blowing off work, I would just tell my bosses that the signing server was down and go home.
Once, my Slack account was deleted due to an error in an automated system, along with everything else, while I was at lunch. That was fun. But not as fun as the 6 months it took until all access was mostly restored.
They fixed the glitch.