• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • My parents had a new printer installed by a “professional” but it wouldn’t show on the network. I tried everything, reinstalling drivers, unplugging and plugging cables again…

    After hours of nothing working, i got desperate and just flipped through the menu of the printer on this small LCD display. There is a DHCP setting. The DHCP is set to a fixed address. The router every now and then reboots and gives new dynamic addresses. The printer refused its dynamic address all this time.

  • This isn’t a destroy a corporation thing, it’s a make Lemmy win over Reddit thing.

    I don’t think we will get any further here. If you cannot see why Lemmy should be more than just “win over Reddit” i dont think anything will convince you. The problems of enshittification are hitting all aspects of the Internet and companies like Google and Microsoft are a major part of it and undoubtedly more problematic than reddit.

    Again as i said, we should not focus on destroying corporations or any other external negative thing, but instead on building a positive version of the internet, so focus on a positive internal goal. Cooperating with the organizations who fundamentally oppose this vision of the internet is not going to help that.

  • Duckduckgo uses Bing for its index, so we run into the same problem with Microsoft.

    Think about the steps involved. First Lemmy servers make all data available to these companies. Now these companies can exploit this data fully. But the next step, it leading to lemmy results being featured on their website is no guarantee. They can just keep it low.

    And i dont care about Lemmy being larger than reddit. It is not just about reddit. It is about fundamentally creating a space thriving for a positove vision of how the internet should be. Handing influence to Google and Microsoft is fundamentally opposed to that.

    Finally, reddit is destroying itself. Why should we compromise ourselves, when we can just watch reddit burning itself down, while more and more people join us?

  • I’d rather have a stable growth and these resources being accessible to the community, than to have google make money off of it, who is actively engaged in destroying open spaces and enshittify them.

    Google doesnt care for traffic to Lemmy. Google cares for making money off the data they can grab. Not giving them the data directly is the only way to oppose them.

    Your idea is to finance the war by selling weapons to your enemy, to use this metaphor of yours.

  • Thank you, good to know. I was looking for English articles after reading it in German articles. IIRC i also saw it on TRT but avoided it because TRT is a Turkish outlet under the influence of Erdogan.

    Police repression has been escalating in Germany and particularly in Berlin over the past years and both German and international media are not addressing the issue with the attention it deserves. Germany is taking more and more steps to become an authoritarian democracy. If the trend isn’t stopped, it will look like Hungary or Turkiye in some years.

  • Iblees was arrogant when God demanded the angels and him, who is a jinn and has free will, to prostate before Adam. He believed to be better than humans, because God made them from clay, but the jinn are made from fire. Sins stem from arrogance towards God and towards other people. Incidently the greatest crimes of humanity stem from arrogance amd believe of superiority of one people over another or one tyrant over his people.

  • Antisemitism is only when leftists and brown people.

    Unfortunately this is not limited to the US. Israel has employed the same strategy of shaping policies allegedly protecting Jews against antisemitism in that way. In Germany they did the same, where a recent parliament resolution mentioned crticising Israel at the Berlinale 2024 an antisemitic act, while a Neonazi trying to storm into a synagogue and murder Jews on a Jewish holiday a few years back in Halle was not even mentioned.

    It is a tool to downplay actual antisemitism, because nazis are often down for the idea of a fascist ethnostate, while it is used to attack leftists and non white people, as those are often opposed to such a state.

  • As i said it is epidemic and it is systematically protected. Does not mean “all of them”. As an institution it is deeply riddled with these problems.

    As for higher stops for “looking left wing” there was this thing in 2023 where police demanded the train conductors to report people with dreadlocks or “looking politically non-conformative” (“alternatives aussehen”).

    Police wearing Riot gear and escalating left wing demonstrations also has nothing to do with cars driving into crowds. it is not a recent event. Just put “police violence berlin” or “police violence germany” into your search engine and you will find many examples. Here you can see police officers in full riot gear throwing women to the ground last summer, despite them evidently not posing any threat to anyone. Here you can see two police officers torturing a detained climate activist in 2023 despite there being no threat from him or anyone around whatsoever. Note how you can hear the snap of his wrist. I could not find any article regarding the officers to have faced any consequences.

    All of this would not be a problem if the “individuals” that act in such a way would face consequences. Instead they are protected by their colleagues and the institution at large, which makes them complicit.

  • And every US president since Bush thought, that they were fixing Afghanistan. And it let nowhere, except killing a lot of people and wasting a lot of tax payer money, aka. enriching the MIC buddies of the Republican and Democrat party.

    Pulling out of Afghanistan was reasonable. The US should have learned since Vietnam, that they are not fixing anything with invading other countries and forcing a regime change. However they also don’t want to fix anything. They want to destabilize and destroy, to prevent regions from emerging as economic and strategic competitors and to enrich their MIC buddies.

    Also Vietnam was not a war fought primarily against North Vietnam, it was fought against the civilian resistance against the French/US installed colonial regime in South Vietnam.