If this was a joke, it wasn’t a very good one
If this was a joke, it wasn’t a very good one
Sometimes I find music can be a way to motivate me to get out of the house, in a “silly human needs her silly rituals” kind of way. I wonder whether this may be the case for OP (whether that’s the OP of this post, or the original OP of the meme)
Bluey in general is pretty great. I wish that kids TV had been this enjoyable the last time I spent time around a child
Edit: the above is a lie, because whilst it may be for an older age bracket than Bluey, I wouldn’t have watched Phineas & Ferb if not for my significantly younger-than-me brother, and that was pretty fun
This is well articulated. Like many, I am also frustrated by the “They go low, we go high” strategy in which Democrat politicians hamstring themselves, but on the wider scale, it is useful to bear in mind that we are fighting for a fundamentally different world than what our opponents are (though certainly it would be great if elected officials could be a little less pathetic)
I wonder if this might have been why they shared it. Sort of like “We’ve got an idea that we think is good, but it also clearly needs work”
“Follow makeup tutorials” is pretty vague, do you have more specifics on what you’re aiming for with that? Part of why I ask if because I know that I can find the functionally infinite array of tutorials overwhelming, and if I don’t have a clear goal, I’ll end up burning out.
The other part of why I ask is because I’m curious about your style goals — what do you want to be able to do that you can’t currently do? Is this part of a larger endeavour to shape your style?
This is well articulated. This dynamic is something I think of a lot, because as a cis woman, I often have a disproportionate level of social power in scenarios similar to this