[Jury Nullification] is when the jury in a criminal trial gives a verdict of not guilty even though they think a defendant has broken the law. The jury’s reasons may include the belief that the law itself is unjust
Until the wealthy and powerful are held to account, why punish your fellow everyday citizens? Use your brain. Decide if what they’re charging people with is suppression or actually keeping society safe.
When those prosecutors start losing these cases, maybe they will start to rethink who they are focusing on.
But remember if you’re on jury selection, you don’t know what jury nullification is.
I will also warn that you are likely committing perjury when they ask at the jury if they have an inability or refusal to follow the instructions or the law of the judge. Now this is difficult to prove, but it’s not something risk free
You’d think so, but no. You cannot be punished as a juror for voting your conscience. So long as you don’t say “I intentionally lied during voir dire to sabotage due process” they cannot even ask you why you voted the way you did unless you volunteer for questions afterwards.
You’d be surprised at how stupid people can be. Obviously we’re all dancing around one case and I assure the members of that jury will be pestered about it for a long time after
I am actually not dancing around any case. I believe people should be aware of this in EVERY CASE as long as the rule of law is being unequally applied to us.
So the remedy to a system which applies the law unequally is to have juries apply the law unequally?
If the state acts in bad faith, why should the citizenry respond with good faith?
Obviously the citizenry should push back on a corrupt state, but that doesn’t mean that jurors should just make up the law because they like the defendant.
I didn’t say to make up laws. No one I have seen in this thread said to make up laws. Not clear on what you are talking about.