Tesla has a lot further to go. No way is that failing car company worth more than multiple other car companies combined.
The valuation is all smoke and mirrors.
Tesla has a lot further to go. No way is that failing car company worth more than multiple other car companies combined.
The valuation is all smoke and mirrors.
Because I want my tax money going to worthwhile shit.
People on here love to talk about what “they” will think or not think.
This has nothing to do with some other and their perception. This is about me and my tax dollars and how they’re used.
Trump isn’t only bad for our standing in the world, he’s wasting our money.
It is amazing how mad these two words in the right context can make me. Getting real, real fuckin tired of the assholes getting into power all the time.
The lead-poisoned DUI hire is gonna keep everyone safe by deleting pictures with the word “gay” in the filename. Everyone can sleep soundly at night now.
I didn’t say to make up laws. No one I have seen in this thread said to make up laws. Not clear on what you are talking about.
If the state acts in bad faith, why should the citizenry respond with good faith?
I am actually not dancing around any case. I believe people should be aware of this in EVERY CASE as long as the rule of law is being unequally applied to us.
If she isn’t the Dem nominee she should still run. I think we could put a progressive in here in CA.